Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, February 4, 1864
Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, February 4, 1864
In this letter, Martha Poteet wrote her husband, Francis, informing him of the poor health of her and their children as well as the harassment they were being forced to endure from Bill Cowen and other speculators who were taking advantage of men like Francis' absence, who were off fighting in the war. Martha sent Francis a large package of food and wrote about small financial woes and was angered at the way her and their family have been treated by people in the community, which included Francis' own family. She also hoped he would not be punished for long for coming home without being granted furlough.
Martha Hendley Poteet
"Letter: Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, Feb. 4, 1864," State Archives of North Carolina, accessed October 2, 2014, http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p15012coll8/id/2158/rec/9.
Brandon Denton
McDowell County, North Carolina
Original Format
N C Mcdowell Co 1864
thursday Feb the 4
My Dear husband I recieved your kind and loving letter last saturday and was glad to hear fom you and hear you was well but sory to hear sunday that you was not well we are not well they nearly all hav had sore throats I aint well my self but I do hope and pray that when these few lines reaches your kind hands it will find you well I shal be uneasy till I hear fom you if I could I would come and see you I sent you somthing to eat by Marion Higins five pies and five ginger Cakes one doz unions two custerds 1 ham of Meat and three twists of tobaco I toted it to the X roads in my lap if you get it I wont mind nothing that I don I am willing to do any for you that I can You wrote for me to stay hear Bill Cowen says if I stay in the house I shant work the ground that I shant as much as hav the garden I hav walked my self down this week trying to get a place and hav got non me and my children are bound to perish all the honest men is gone and a set of speckalating dogs is left to press the lives out of the poor Women and children while the soldiers is standing as a wall between them and the enemy they are standing between them and there wives to snatch evry thing they can get I think there ought to be astop put to it if it aint we all will be bound to perrish I am in a great deal of trouble Doctor Young charged me three dollars in gold or silver or thirty dollars in confederate for coming to see
thursday Feb the 4
My Dear husband I recieved your kind and loving letter last saturday and was glad to hear fom you and hear you was well but sory to hear sunday that you was not well we are not well they nearly all hav had sore throats I aint well my self but I do hope and pray that when these few lines reaches your kind hands it will find you well I shal be uneasy till I hear fom you if I could I would come and see you I sent you somthing to eat by Marion Higins five pies and five ginger Cakes one doz unions two custerds 1 ham of Meat and three twists of tobaco I toted it to the X roads in my lap if you get it I wont mind nothing that I don I am willing to do any for you that I can You wrote for me to stay hear Bill Cowen says if I stay in the house I shant work the ground that I shant as much as hav the garden I hav walked my self down this week trying to get a place and hav got non me and my children are bound to perish all the honest men is gone and a set of speckalating dogs is left to press the lives out of the poor Women and children while the soldiers is standing as a wall between them and the enemy they are standing between them and there wives to snatch evry thing they can get I think there ought to be astop put to it if it aint we all will be bound to perrish I am in a great deal of trouble Doctor Young charged me three dollars in gold or silver or thirty dollars in confederate for coming to see
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Martha Hendley Poteet, Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, February 4, 1864, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 10, 2025, https://cwnc.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/947.