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  • Collection: Prewar North Carolina

Letter from John W. Halliburton to Juliet Halliburton, March 6, [1861]

John Halliburton letter.jpg

Chapel Hill
March the 6th
My Darling.

You have consented to let one sunday pass without giving to me the accustomed salute. I have not been well at ease since Ed's letter was recieved. He said that you were very sorry. My Darling is it always…

Letter from M.S. Sherwood to Benjamin S. Hedrick, August 20, 1856

Letter from M.S. Sherwood to his Nephew Benjamin S. Hendrick, August 20, 1856, Page 1

Greensboro, Aug. 20, 1856

My Dear Nephew;

I rec'd a letter from you under date of 12th inst., which commences by condoling me, rather after the manner of Job's particular friends, upon my defeat as a candidate for the Legislature. Had your…

Letter from Thomas Day to David L. Swain, December 6, 1847

Hon. Sir,

Yours of the 24 Nov. came in Time. I am preparing the Timbers to shelve your rooms Earley as possible, the plank has to be of superior quality & Dried in a steam kill which I have here. You advise me to come thare to do the work, but I…

Letter of Sterling Ruffin to Thomas Ruffin, June 9, 1804

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From Sterling Ruffin. [Brunswick, June, 1804] I have no apology to offer for not complying with the promise made in my last, of writing again, in a few days, except that I wish'd to have forwarded you a small B. Note, for fear, from some unforeseen…

Letter of Archibald Murphey to Thomas Ruffin, June 3, 1824


Dear Ruffin,
An unwillingness which than long felt to interfere in other People’s business has restrained me from mentioning to you a fact which my duty to you divide me to disdain long ago; Now could just say a word about it, was not your…

Letter of B. W. Daniel to William Augustus Blount, September 16, 1831.

Gen Wm A Blount Dear Sir I must request the favour of you to turn the arms recieved from Newbern, in your possession over to the company raising in your County (footnote 39) Footnote 39: Nat Turner's insurrection in Southampton County, Virginia,…

Letter of Benjamin Chambers to Thomas Ruffin, May 21, 1824


Hallowfax Courthouse on May 21st 1824
Judge Thomas Ruffin,
I was anxious to have seen your I past (sic) through N. Carolina, but knowing my Cituation (sic) I thought it best not. I past (sic) my old naborhood (sic) and saw a few of my friends.…

Letter of Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Governor Thomas Bragg, October 6, 1856

Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Governor Thomas Bragg, October 6, 1856, Page 1

Chapel Hill,Oct. 6, 1856

Dear Sir:

As the course I have taken in publishing the letter which appeared in the Standard of the 4th inst. may appear to some, extraordinary, I hope a simple statement of the reasons which have induced me to take…

Letter of Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Mary Ellen Hedrick, October 22, 1856

Letter from Benjamin S. Hedrick to his wife Mary Ellen Hedrick, October, 22 1856, Page 1

Davidson County, N.C.
Oct. 22, 1856

My dear Wife,

It is now just dark, and I am at Adam's. I came to Lexington today on the freight train, and walked out here. Adam is going with me directly to take the cars at Lexington. I will go to…

Letter of Charles Manly to David L Swain, October 8, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 8, 1856, Page 1

RaleighOct. 8/56

My Dear Govr.,

I recd. yesterday your note & a copy of the Faculty's proceedings in relation to Profr. Hedrick . Upon consultation with containing 15 ½ closely written pages on the laxity of discipline in the College, how a…