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Amnesty Petition of J.J. Ward, August 3, 1865

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To the president of the United States,

The undersigned, a resident of the town of Franklinton, in the county of Franklin, state of North Carolina, a teacher by profession, aged 58 years, respectfully requests to His Excellency, Andrew Johnson,…

Amnesty Petition of John Manning, Jr., June 19, 1865

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Pittsboro N.C. June 7th 1865

To His Excellency Andrew Johnson
President of the U.S. of A.

The petition of John Manning Jr. of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina. respectfully shows to your Excellency, that he was born in…

Amnesty Petition of William S. Bradshaw, June 30, 1865

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"W. S. Bradshaw
Alamance County, NC
Pet. for Pardon
Officer & Post. Master
Received By:
W. R. Albright
W. A. Albright"
Executive Office W6
Raleigh, June 30, 1865.
I respectfully recommend that a pardon be granted in this case.…

Amnesty Petition of Samuel S. Gregory, August 22, 1865

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His Excellency
Andrew Johnson
President of the United States

Your petitioner Saml S. Gregory a native and resident of Sampson County, and the State of North Carolina, respectfully [showeth?] unto your Excellency, that he received an appointment…

Amnesty Petition of W. D. Jones, September 21, 1865

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Caldwell Co. NC

To Andrew Johnson President of the US

The Petition of the undersigned W. D. Jones respectfully showeth that he is a citizen of Caldwell County North Carolina forty six years old and a farmer by profession desires to apply for a…

Amnesty Petition of Thomas Bragg, August 15, 1865

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"In and by the Proclamation of our Excellency of the 29th of May last certain classes of persons are specially excluded from the amnesty therein granted. Two of these exceptions may be supposed to apply to you petitioner. The fourth 'All who left…

Amnesty Petition of R. L. Abernathy, July 13, 1865

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Burke Co., N.C.,
July 13th, 1865
To His Excellency

Andrew Johnson

Amnesty Petition of John Newland Maffitt, June 1, 1867

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Wilmington N.C.
June 1st 1867

To his Excellency
Andrew Johnson President of the United States

The petition of John N Maffitt of North Carolina for pardon under the Proclamation of your Excellency of May 1865 respectfully represents that he is…

Amnesty Petition of David Schenck, May 14, 1866

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To His Excellency, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America. David Schenck, a citizen residing in Lincolnton, Lincoln Country; State of North Carolina shows to your Excellency that his property is [liable?] to confiscation by…

Letters on Female Character, Addressed to a Young Lady, on the Death of Her Mother by Virginia Randolph Cary, 1828

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Letters on a Female Character by Virginia Randolph Cary, published in 1828, praised the ideals of the domestic sphere. Women, according to Cary, should depend on a male protection. Citing scripture Cary states women was “formed from man”…
