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Michael Moore, Costumes in "From Real to Reel: The Making of Gone with the Wind," 2013

The majority of “From Real to Reel” follows the production process behind Gone with the Wind. Featured artifacts include costumes, posters, production notes, and film props. Functioning more as a temple for movie fans than a dialectic for Civil…

Michael Moore


Diocese of North Carolina Parish of Christ Church, Raleigh The undersigned, living the being the Vestry and Trustees of Christ Church, in the City of Raleigh, duly appointed by the congregation thereof, do hereby certify and make known that William…

Message from Governor Holden to the General Assembly, November 22, 1870

On the 22nd of November, 1870, I sent my third and last message to the General Assembly. In this message I used the following language:

"The present government of North-Carolina commenced its operations on the 4th day of July, 1868. This…

Message from Governor Holden to the General Assembly, December 16, 1869

December 16, 1869.

To the Honorable, the General Assembly of North Carolina.

Gentlemen: - Allow me respectfully and earnestly to call your attention to the necessity which exists for such amendments to the…

Memorial to the Confederate Dead, Windsor, NC


We responded to our country's call.

We fought an honest fight.
We kept the Southron's faith.
We fell at the post of duty.
We died for the land we loved.

Erected by the Confederate Veterans Association of Bertie 1896

Our Confederate Dead…

Memoirs of William T. Sherman, ca. 1865

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….It seemed to me then that the terrible energy they had displayed in the earlier stages of the war was beginning to yield to the slower but more certain industry and discipline of our Northern men. It was to me manifest that soldiers and…

Memoirs of George W. Pepper, ca. 1865

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But there is another class of devastations widely different from these, which have been perpetrated to an extent of which the North has little conception. These may be classified, as first, “deliberate and systematic robbery for the sake of…


Memo of Archive Office, 1875, Disallowed Claim of Thomas Gattis

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"This claimant is on petition of citizens of Chatham Co. asking the Sec. of War to station Co. D. 61st N.C.I. in said county for the reason that the members are acquainted with the disaffected regions and 'while this Co. was with us the True and…

Masters of the Shoals
Tales of the Cape Fear Pilots Who Ran the Union Blockade

Throughout Jim McNeil's book he presents many tales of pilots who fearlessly guided in to the port ships bringing in arms and other everyday goods to the south. He gives a detailed description of the river and the challenges it presented to both the…

Martha Hendley Poteet, Letter to Francis Marion Poteet (Nov. 24, 1864)

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Dear husband Nov 24th 1864 I Seat My self this eavning to write you a few lines to let you know that we are still in the land of the living I aint very well the children is well excepting bad colds but I do hope these few lines will Reach your kind…