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Amnesty Petition of Thomas Bragg, August 15, 1865

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"In and by the Proclamation of our Excellency of the 29th of May last certain classes of persons are specially excluded from the amnesty therein granted. Two of these exceptions may be supposed to apply to you petitioner. The fourth 'All who left…

Amnesty Petition of Thomas G. Walton, July 13, 1865

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Former Colonel of the Home Guard of the 8th Regiment, Thomas Walton, went to great lengths to explain his opposition to secession before the outbreak of hostilities. Walton explained that he had been an active member of the Whig Party, and had worked…

Amnesty Petition of W. D. Jones, September 21, 1865

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Caldwell Co. NC

To Andrew Johnson President of the US

The Petition of the undersigned W. D. Jones respectfully showeth that he is a citizen of Caldwell County North Carolina forty six years old and a farmer by profession desires to apply for a…

Amnesty Petition of W.G. Lewis, June 20, 1865 Lewis p1.jpg
Former Brigadier General in the Confederate Army, W.G. Lewis was excepted from pardon under the third provision. In his letter, Lewis stressed the fact that he primarily held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and that the rank of Brigadier General was…

Amnesty Petition of William A. Lash, July 22, 1865

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State of North Carolina,
To his Excellency, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States:

William A. Lash, of Stokes County by this petition respectfully showeth, unto your Excellency, that he is now sixty seven years of age and has a large…

Amnesty Petition of William MacRae, July 28, 1865


Your Excellency,

I have the honor to submit the petition covering application for pardon, and restoration to the rights of citizenship under your Amnesty Proclamation of May 29th, 1860.

Previous to the late rebellion, I was a man of no…

Amnesty Petition of William McRae, July 28, 1865 McRae.jpg
William McRae was excluded from Presidential amnesty under the third provision due to his rank of Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. McRae insisted that he was loyal to the Union, and took no part in the political discussions leading to…

Amnesty Petition of William P. Roberts, August 26, 1865 Roberts.jpg
William P. Roberts was excluded from Presidential amnesty under the third exception, due to his service as Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. Roberts insisted that he was not part of the political discourse which led to secession, and sought…

Amnesty Petition of William S. Bradshaw, June 30, 1865

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[Page 1]:

"W. S. Bradshaw
Alamance County, NC
Pet. for Pardon
Officer & Post. Master
Received By:
W. R. Albright
W. A. Albright"
Executive Office W6
Raleigh, June 30, 1865.
I respectfully recommend that a pardon be granted in this case.…

An Address to the People of North Carolina on the Evils of Slavery by the Friends of Libersty and Equality, 1830

An Address to the People of North Carolina on the Evils of Slavery by the Friends of Libersty and Equality, 1830



We believe it is generally known that a social institution has, for some years, been progressing, for "the gradual abolition OF NEGRO SLAVERY" among us: yet we are well aware that our precise views in relation to this…