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Amnesty Petition of Samuel S. Gregory, August 22, 1865

Page 4 Amnesty.jpg

His Excellency
Andrew Johnson
President of the United States

Your petitioner Saml S. Gregory a native and resident of Sampson County, and the State of North Carolina, respectfully [showeth?] unto your Excellency, that he received an appointment…

Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel L. Russell

Daniel Russell was born on August 7, 1845, in Brunswick County, North Carolina, on the Winnabow Plantation. His parents were Daniel Lindsay and Carolina Sanders Russell. Both the Lindsay and Russell families were wealthy slave owners at the time of…

Letter from John W. Halliburton to Juliet Halliburton, March 6, [1861]

John Halliburton letter.jpg

Chapel Hill
March the 6th
My Darling.

You have consented to let one sunday pass without giving to me the accustomed salute. I have not been well at ease since Ed's letter was recieved. He said that you were very sorry. My Darling is it always…

Judith Lee Hallock, "The Role of the Community in Civil War Desertion" (1983)

Judith Lee Hallock
Communities, like individuals, have personalities, and their response to
crises reflect their peculiar characteristics. During the Civil War,
Northern communities played an…


(Niall) Andrew Hammond

When I attended Gaithersburg High School, I began the process of deciding what I wanted to study. During my junior year, I took an AP US History course with my teacher, Joseph Sangillo, which began my interest in US history. In this class, we had an…

Rachel Hampton

Elizabeth Eckford.png
The response I had to this picture may be the entire reason I decided to become a history major as an undergraduate at NCSU. I first saw it in a textbook during my first semester at college, and the deeply emotional response I had to it convinced me…

"Registration Scenes," September 28, 1867


REGISTRATION SCENES. We give on this page one of the scenes lately made familiar in the South—a registration, not an election, scene. The late slaves of the South have exhibited unusual interest in the work of registration, their first…

The Census of 1860.

This picture depicts a table of slave ownership in the slave owning states in the United States. The reason I used this source was to provide first hand information on how many slaves were in North Carolina and Virginia to show how similar the ration…


"The North Carolina Troubles," August 20, 1870

Therehas been in certain quarters, noto-rious for sympathy with the late rebels and re-bellion, such a vehement denunciation of Gov-ernorHolden, of North Carolina, as a pecul-iarly malignant “satrap,” who was wagingfiendish war upon…

"Childhood," ca. 1810s-1820s


I WAS born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away. My father was a carpenter, and considered so intelligent and skilful in his trade, that, when buildings out of the common line were to be erected, he was sent…