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Testimony of Albert Murray in Holden's Impeachment, 1871

Testimony of Albert Murray.pdf
The testimony of Albert Murray, the sheriff of Alamance County, offers specific insight to the knowledge the sheriff had regarding the Ku Klux Klan and the hanging of Wyatt Outlaw. Sheriff Murray reveals that he was in fact a member of the White…


The Declaration of Insurrection in the Impeachment Trial of Governor William Wood Holden, March 7, 1870

Executive Department, Raleigh, March 7th, 1870. By virtue of authority vested in me by the constitution of the state, and by virtue of an act passed at the present session of the general assembly, entitled “An act to secure the better…

"North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861


This company takes risks upon all healthy lives between the ages of 14 and 60 years--for one year, for seven years, or for life--the assurers for life participating in the profits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and 60 years, are…

North Carolina Museum of History Press Release, "Part Two of Civil War Exhibit Series Opens at NC Museum of History," November 11, 2012

Part Two of Civil War Exhibit Series Opens at NC Museum of History

In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War in North Carolina, the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh is presenting a three-part exhibit series titled North Carolina…

Argument in the impeachment trial of W.W. Holden, governor of North Carolina, February 23, 1871

Returning to the evidence we propose to offer, it will, we believe, satisfy the minds of the court, that there existed secret associations in the counties of Alamance and Caswell, having a common purpose and design to subvert the laws by threats,…

Argument in the impeachment trial of W.W. Holden, governor of North Carolina, 1871


And this brings us to a brief statement of the nature and character of the offences preferred in the articles of impeachment against the accused.
Article I, charges, substantially, that the accused corruptly and wickedly declared the county of…

"An Act to Divide North Carolina into Eight Congressional Districts," Raleigh, North Carolina General Assembly (1871)


CHAPTER CLXXI. AN ACT TO DIVIDE NORTH CAROLINA INTO EIGHT CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That for the purpose of selecting representatives in the congress of the United States, the state of North…

Laws and Resolutions of the State of North Carolina General Assemble at its Adjourned Session 1900, Raleigh, June 12, 1900

Laws and Resolutions of the State of North Carolina General Assembly 1900.PNG

(Section 1.) Every male person born in the United Sates, and every male person who has be naturalized, twenty-one years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the…