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Testimony of Albert Murray in Holden's Impeachment, 1871

Testimony of Albert Murray.pdf
The testimony of Albert Murray, the sheriff of Alamance County, offers specific insight to the knowledge the sheriff had regarding the Ku Klux Klan and the hanging of Wyatt Outlaw. Sheriff Murray reveals that he was in fact a member of the White…


William Sherman, Special Field Orders No. 55, April 14, 1865

Richard Haywood House.jpg

[Special Field Orders, No. 55]



The next movement will be on Ashboro', to turn the position of the enemy…

Jacob Cox, Circular, April 12, 1865

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Circular.] HEADQUARTERS TWENTY-THIRD ARMY CORPS, Turner’s Bridge, April 12, 1865. Since we left Goldsboro there has been a constant succession of house burning in rear of this command. This has never beforebeen the case since the corps was…

Picture of Major John H Gee

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This is a picture of the most infamous commandant of the Confederate Salisbury prison. He was basically the warden of the prison during the most detrimental and deadly period of the prison's existence. He, like Wirz, was accused of crimes against…

Picture of Salisbury Prison

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This is a Birds eye view of the Salisbury Confederate Prison in 1864 it was copyrighted by G.A. Kraus in 1886. It displays many of the events that took place during the daily life of the prisoners. There are soldiers performing drill outside of the…

Diary of George Nichols, March 17, 1865

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The early morning found the Rebel intrenchments evacuated, and their former occupants in full flight toward Aversyboro. They escaped in the night, leaving their picket posts to fall into our hands; for a neglect to remember those who are…

Letter from William Sherman to Ellen Sherman, April 9, 1865

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In the Field, Goldsboro, N. C,
April 9, 1865.

. . .. Tomorrow we move straight against Joe Johnston wherever he may be. Grant's magnificent victories about Petersburg, and his rapid pursuit of Lee's army makes it unnecessary for me to move…

Photograph of Maj. James H. Lane, 1865

A photograph of James Henry Lane, although at the time the photograph is taken he is actually a general. James H. Lane was a major, and was one of the people in charge of the First North Carolina Regiment.

Untitled article on the execution of a Union soldier, New York Tribune, ca. 1865

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The division arrived on the ground at precisely one o'clock, and was formed in two ranks on three sides of a square, the rear ranks ten paces in rear of the front rank, which came to an about face when the unfortunate condemned one was paraded…

Photograph of Col. D. H. Hill

A photograph of the Colonel D. H. Hill