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Endor Iron Works Ledger, 1864-1868


4/11, Payroll: $426.00, Expenses: $2986.93, Sales: 10036 lbs. pig iron at $.50/lb ($5018.00)
4/30, Payroll: $967.35, Expenses: $4793.37
5/11, Payroll: $546.67, Expenses: $225.00, Sales: 43598 lbs ($21,799.00)
5/17, Payroll: $1357.11, Expenses:…

Diary of William M. Smith, February 22, 1863

Sunday February 22nd.

This evening, called at Mrs. Allen's--took tea and by request of Miss S. Allen, accompanied her to visit a sick relative--Mrs.Mathews--found her friend very ill--there is scarcely a possibility of her recovery; tuberculosis…

Captain William J. Twining's Map of Fort Anderson

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Map of Fort Andrson, N.C. Captured February 19, 1865 by the Army of the Ohio. Maj. Gen J. M. Schofield, Comd'g.

"Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death," New York Times, November 11, 1898

Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death Wilmington Fatal Race Riots in north Carolina. Vengeance of White Citizens Negro Publisher's Plant Destroyed by Indignant Men. New City Government Formed by the People of Wilmington, and Steps Taken to Restore…

(Niall) Andrew Hammond

When I attended Gaithersburg High School, I began the process of deciding what I wanted to study. During my junior year, I took an AP US History course with my teacher, Joseph Sangillo, which began my interest in US history. In this class, we had an…

Elizabeth Vanek

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I often hear from non-history majors how hard history is because of all the memorization of facts and dates. I usually respond by stating that historians do not always memorize dates but, more significantly, understand time periods. While not as…

Robert York

Coins say a great deal about the societies from which they originate. Moses Finley, who wrote a book called The Ancient Economyabout the economy of ancient Rome, declared that coins are, in essence, propaganda. And to be honest, that declaration does…

Cindy Koontz

My document is my grandmother's grade school report card. I remember her telling me that girls only attended school up to sixth grade. This is her fourth grade report card. The date on this is 1915. She married at age 16 two years later.

I was a…

Steven Boyer

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This is my German Mauser K98k rifle. I bought this rifle when I was 18, and it was the first rifle in my collection of World War II rifles. It is of milled steel and walnut construction with a nickel plated bolt and butt plate. The nickel coating…

Stefanie King

My interest in history stems from a deep, personal interest in my own family history. The stained glass window in the picture is one of eight in the sanctuary of my family church, Brown's Chapel Methodist Church, in Pittsboro, North Carolina. My…