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Jacqueline Glass Campbell, When Sherman Marched North from the Sea (2003)
By integrating evidence from soldiers and civilians, black and white, at a moment when home front and battlefront merged, Sherman's March becomes a far more complex story-one that illuminated the importance of culture for determining the limits of…
Tags: Confederate, Confederate Woman, North Carolina, Women
Drew Gilpin Faust, Mothers of Invention (1996)
Catherine Edmondston worried about the vehemence of her secessionist views because of the divisions they were causing in her own family. Before Lincoln’s call for troops in April 1861, Edmondston’s parents and sister remained staunch…
Tags: Women
Kent Redding, Making Race, Making Power (2003)
Democratic elites were able to make and regain power in the 1870s because they had established mechanisms for doing so, mechanisms that fit well with the vertical patterns of social relations of North Carolina’s society and tapped…
Tags: State Government, State Politics
Scot Ngozi-Brown, “African-American Soldiers and Filipinos" (1997)
U.S. racial imperialism, at the turn of the century, targeted Filipinos and other peoples of color throughout the world whom white Americans considered barbaric and thus incapable of self-government. Within the borders of the United States,…
George C. Rable, Confederate Republic (1994)
Tags: North Carolina, prewar, Secession
Letter of N. C. Bruce, North Carolina Battalion to the Editor, the News and Observer, May 28, 1898
To the Editor: Much is being said about Negro soldiers in the present war that is unmanly, unwise and uncharitable, and yet there is one cheering, refreshing thought among heaps of trashy talk: It is that nobody seriously suggests any want of…
Tags: patriotism, Race relations, Soldiers
"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898
Aycock and Craig Open the Ball Gloriously,
Join in the Commencement of a Campaign that is to…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics
Allen W. Trelease, White Terror (1971)
The great majority of the Klan’s victims were blacks; they were attacked and beaten everywhere in the county for many reasons. The raiders explained on one occasion that they were simply out whipping Radicals that night. In December, a disguised…
Tags: Ku Klux Klan
R.W. Reising, "Literary Depictions of Henry Berry Lowry: Mythic, Romantic, and Tragic" (1992)
Henry Berry Lowry is central to the culture of the Lumbee Indians, the largest body of Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. In virtually all studies of the tribe, the outlaw who mysteriously disappeared in 1872 garnerse laboratem ention.…
James McPherson, For Cause and Comrades (1998)
I would rather live a soldier for life [than] see this country made a mighty sepulcher in which should be buried our institutions, our nationality, our flag, and every American that today lives, than that our Republic should be divided into little…
Tags: patriotism, Soldiers
Featured Item
Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908
Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…