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James William "Jim Billy" Craig


James William "Jim Billy" Craig was a river and harbor pilot on the Cape Fear River during and after the Civil War. He is most well known as the pilot for the blockade runnners Annie, Don, Gibraltar, Lilian, Lynx, and Orion. In the short four year of…

Map of the 1856 Presidential Election

1856 Presidential Election Map
This map illustrates the polarized character of the political parties in the 1856 presidential election. The Northern states voted predominantly for the anti-slavery Republican candidate, while the pro-slavery Democratic Party dominated in the South.…

Letter from The Citizens of Pittsboro to Zebulon Baird Vance, March 3, 1865

The town of Pittsboro petitioned the Governor to protect them from deserters on March third, 1865. The petition claimed that one hundred deserters created 1,000 dollars in property damage. The petition was signed by twelve members of the community. …

Democratic Party Platform of 1856, June 2, 1856


Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American people.

Ð’ Resolved, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed, which we are…

A New Expedition : Proposition to Capture the Lowery Gang of Outlaws Singular Enterprise, The New York Times, March 18, 1872

A New Expedition.JPG

“Come with me, Sir,” said an individual to a Times reporter, in Chatham-street, last night. “Come down to New-Chambers-street, in the Fourth Ward, and see Mr. Abbot.” Turing into Chambers-street, the guide stopped in front of a corner house,…

"Lawlessness in North Carolina-Its Democratic Apologists," June 10, 1870

the new york times.pdf

The murders and outrages which have called forth the proclamation of the Governor of North Carolina, are made by the World a pretext for arraigning the policy of reconstruction. Its censure is directed, not against the cowardly ruffians who are the…

"The Assembly of 1899-1900" Raleigh, 1899-1900

In a sweeping victory, the Democrats won 93 out of 118 seats in the North Carolina General Assembly in the 1898 election. They campaigned heavily on the rhetoric of White Supremacy, promising to redeem the state from "negro domination." With an…

The North Carolina Whig, Proclamation on Northern Blacks, November 18, 1862

Specific -- proclamation on nothern slaves 1862-11-18.jpg

A negro proposes that President Davis should-retaliate upon Lincoln’s proclamation, by declaring all the Northern negroes slaves after the first of January next.

"Holden's Record!," 1861

Holden's Record


Mr. Holden before he was a candidate, and Mr. Holden now.

The following extracts from the Raleigh Standard will show the position Mr. Holden has occupied for the last ten years, and the change which has come over him, now that…

"Peace of Radical Reconstruction," March 14, 1867


The New York Times draws the following truthful sketch of the peace brought by such reconstruction as it yet aids to thrust upon the south:
“Tennessee -- If any ex-Confederate State is to be subjected to military law it certainly ought to be…