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The 25th North Carolina Troops in the Civil War
My dear Walter, they have a terrible state of things upon the Tennessee line particularly in Watauga County. There is a band of robbers and villains who are constantly plundering the people in the night, when resolute and prepared they succeed in…
The Capture, the Prison Pen, and the Escape
The Census of 1860.
Tags: prewar
The Chowan River Basin
Satellite imagery mosaic of the Chowan River Basin.
Tags: Chowan River, image, satellite
The Civil War in North Carolina: Soldiers and Civilians letters and diaries, 1861-1865
I understand the people of Wilkes are baldy whipped and willing for our patriotic old State to return to the pretended Union, and claim Abraham Lincoln as their chief magistrate. I have also been told that the country was full of deserters and no…
The Civil War Letters of W.D. Carr of Duplin County, North Carolina
Sunday, Sept. 7th, 1862
Mrs. L. Carr-Dear Mother,
As Mr. Bass is going to start home early in the morning, will write you a few lines and let you know who we are getting along. We are all tolerable well. Sam Evans was taken quite sick day before…
Tags: Confederacy, desertion, Letters
The Declaration of Independence of North Carolina, May 11, 1861
Tags: Prewar North Carolina
The Declaration of Insurrection in the Impeachment Trial of Governor William Wood Holden, March 7, 1870
Executive Department, Raleigh, March 7th, 1870. By virtue of authority vested in me by the constitution of the state, and by virtue of an act passed at the present session of the general assembly, entitled “An act to secure the better…
The Fighting in Florida, March 7, 1864
THE FIGHTING IN FLORIDA. The Savannah papers of Saturday furnish us with some additional and very interesting accounts of the progress and details of the fighting in Florida. The Republicanaccount says: THE RECENT SKIRMISH - THE ENEMY DRIVEN BACK. An…
Tags: Battle Description, Freedpeople, Soldiers
The Florida Campaign, March 1, 1864
Details of the Operations of the Union Troops Under General
Seymour. The March to and Battle of Olustee .
Mr. Oscar G. SawyerDespatches.
CAMP FINEGAN, Florida, Feb. 23, 1864.
Tags: Battle Description, Soldiers
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ROTC students view Civil War exhibit at NCSU, 1960

In this photograph, two Reserve Officers' Training Corps students view a Civil War exhibit at D. H. Hill Library at North Carolina State College of…