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"The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan," 1880

We had only proceeded a short distance further on our way, when we were confronted by the charred remains of what had been a dwelling house.

“What’s that?” I asked for the hundredth time, addressing Jones.

“That” said he, “is the…

Zebulon Baird Vance to Edward Stanly, October 29, 1862

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To Edward Stanly STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Raleigh- Oct. 29th, 1862 Your communication of the 21st. inst. has been recd, to which I proceed to reply- It is "incompatible with my views of duty" to grant you a personal…

Zebulon Baird Vance to Jefferson Davis, December 30, 1863

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ZBV to Jefferson Davis

State of North Carolina
Executive Department
Raleigh, Dec. 30th. 1863

His Excellency
President Davis

My dear Sir:
After a careful consideration of all the sources of discontent in North Carolina, I have…

Zebulon Baird Vance to William A. Graham, August 13, 1863

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ZBV to William A. Graham Confidential State of North-Carolina Executive Department, Raleigh, August 13th. 1863. My Dear Sir: I beg to call your attention to the proceedings of many meetings in various parts of the state, in favour of peace--Under…

Zebulon Baird Vance to Edward J. Hale, August 11, 1863.


ZBV to Edward J. Hale State of North-Carolina Executive Department, Raleigh, Augst. 11, 1863 E J Hale Esq My dear Sir, I returned from Richmond on Saturday--was much gratified with my visit indeed--I plainly told the President of the cause of…

Zebulon Baird Vance to Jefferson Davis, July 06, 1863


State of North Carolina
Executive Department
Raleigh July 6th. 1863.

His Excellency
President Davis

Dear Sir
A great deal of harm has been done and much dissatisfaction excited by the appointment of citizens of other states to offices…

Letter from Zebulon B. Vance to Edward Stanly, November 24, 1862


To E. Stanly Raleigh, Nov. 24th 1862 Having recieved and read your letter of the 7th inst, a proper sense of self-respect and of regard to the position I occupy compels me to return it herewith to its author. I have only to say Sir, by way of…

Letter from Zebulon Vance to William Graham, January 2, 1864

Zebulon Vance.jpg

Raleigh, January 2, 1864.

My Dear Sir: The final plunge which I have been dreading and avoiding—that is to separate me from a large number of my political friends, is about to be made. It is now a fixed policy of Mr. Holden and others to call a…

Letter of Zebulon B. Vance to William Dickson, December 11, 1860

Zebulon B. Vance

To William Dickson, December 11, 1860

"The Whole Southern mind is inflamed to the highest pitch and the leaders in the disunion move are scorning every suggestion of compromise and rushing everything with ruinous and indecent…

Robert York

Coins say a great deal about the societies from which they originate. Moses Finley, who wrote a book called The Ancient Economyabout the economy of ancient Rome, declared that coins are, in essence, propaganda. And to be honest, that declaration does…