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- Tags: Confederate States of America
"FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE," Hillsborough Recorder, March 22, 1865
For the Hillsborough Recorder. FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE. We give an extract from a letter written by a well-known gentleman in Fayetteville to his father in Chapel Hill, of the date of the 14th instant: “We are in great distress. The Yankees…
"Public Meeting in Wake County," North Carolina Standard, August 5, 1863
Public Meeting in Wake County At a meeting of the people of Little River District, Wake County, Held at Rosenburg on the 24th July, on motion of B.T. Strickland, Dr. G. M. Cooley was called to the chair, and Harrington Daniel was appointed…
Letter from Zebulon Vance to William Graham, January 2, 1864
Raleigh, January 2, 1864.
My Dear Sir: The final plunge which I have been dreading and avoiding—that is to separate me from a large number of my political friends, is about to be made. It is now a fixed policy of Mr. Holden and others to call a…
Diary of George Nichols, March 8, 1865
The line which divides South from North Carolina was passed by the army this morning. It was not in our imagination alone that we could at once see the difference between the two states. The soil is not superior to that near Cheraw, but the farmers…
William J. McNeill, "A Survey of Confederate Soldier Morale During Sherman's Campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas" (1971)
The men who composed the small remnants of Rebel commands brought together in an effort to stop Sherman's Savannah and Carolinas campaign realized the futility of their assignment; they knew that without help from other quarters Confederate…
John Barrett, Sherman's March through the Carolinas (1956)
Sherman's movements through South and North Carolina were bold, imaginative strokes, masterfully executed. One historian has rightly characterized the Carolinas campaign as "a triumph of physical endurance and mechanical skill on the part of the army…
Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 25, 1865
April 25, 1865 Gen Johnston has surrendered his army! We have no army now-We have been overpowered-outnumbered, but thank God we have not been whipped—Did I ever think to live to see this day! After all the misery & anguish of the four…
Letter from Janie Smith to Janie Robeson, April 12, 1865
Where Home used to be,
Apr. 12th 1865
Your precious letter, My dear Janie, was received night before last, and the pleasure it afforded me, and indeed the whole family, I leave for you to imagine, for it baffles words to express my thankfulness…
Diary of Catherine D. Edmondston, March 21, 1865
Brother writes from Raleigh that Sherman effected a junction with Schofield at Elizabethtown in Bladen county, that on Friday there was a sharp fight a Black River (which divides Sampson from Cumberland) without decisive result. He is most despondent…
Letter from Edward Jones Hale Jr. to James Lane, July 31, 1865
Fayetteville, N.C., July 31st, 1865.
My Dear General:
It would be impossible to give you an adequate idea of the destruction of property in this good old town. It may not be an average instance; but it is one the force of whose truth we feel…
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908
Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…