Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: Veterans
Amnesty Petition of William P. Roberts, August 26, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of Richard C. Gatlin, June 8, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of John N. Maffitt, June 1, 1867
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of W.G. Lewis, June 20, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of Samuel S. Gregory, August 22, 1865
His Excellency
Andrew Johnson
President of the United States
Your petitioner Saml S. Gregory a native and resident of Sampson County, and the State of North Carolina, respectfully [showeth?] unto your Excellency, that he received an appointment…
Amnesty Petition of William S. Bradshaw, June 30, 1865
[Page 1]:
"W. S. Bradshaw
Alamance County, NC
Pet. for Pardon
Officer & Post. Master
Received By:
W. R. Albright
W. A. Albright"
Executive Office W6
Raleigh, June 30, 1865.
I respectfully recommend that a pardon be granted in this case.…
Amnesty Petition of J. B. Carpenter, August 15, 1865
North Carolina
Rutherford County
To His Excellency Andrew Johnson President of the Unite States of America
The petition of J. B. Carpenter a resident of the County and State aforesaid, aged twenty seven years, last June and by occupation a…
Grave of William Jones at Salisbury National Cemetery
Tags: Cemetery, Salisbury, Spanish American War, Veterans
"Shall I Trust these Men, and Not this Man?", August 5, 1865
Tags: Race relations, Soldiers, Veterans
"Negro Troops in the Civil War", 1887
At a moment when the bitterness of race prejudice is
shown in the recent school controversies in Kansas, Indi-
ana, and Ohio, reminding us of the old Free States that we
cannot consistently reproach our brethren of the old Slave
States with…
Tags: Memory, Race relations, Soldiers, Veterans
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ROTC students view Civil War exhibit at NCSU, 1960

In this photograph, two Reserve Officers' Training Corps students view a Civil War exhibit at D. H. Hill Library at North Carolina State College of…