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- Collection: Prewar North Carolina
"North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861
This company takes risks upon all healthy lives between the ages of 14 and 60 years--for one year, for seven years, or for life--the assurers for life participating in the profits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and 60 years, are…
Tags: Economy, Slavery/Slaves
"Presidential Election," Carolina Watchman, November 13, 1860
Tags: pre-war, secession crisis
"Proclamation on State Militia," Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1861
Tags: pre-war, secession crisis
"Professor Hedrick's Defence," North Carolina Standard, October 4, 1856
To make the matter short, I say I am in favor of the election of Fremont to the Presidency; and these are my reasons for my preference:
1st. Because I like the man. He was born and educated at the South. He has lived at the North and the West, and…
"Reply by Governor Ellis to request by United States Secretary of War for troops from North Carolina", April 14, 1861
War Department Washington, April 15, 1861 - (Teleghaphie [sic]) To Gov. Ellis Call made on you by to night's mail for two Regiments of Military for immediate service. Simon Cameron Secretary of War Reply.Executive Department Raleigh, April 15, 1861…
"Report of Fredrick Olmsted," 1860
I stopped last night at the pleasantest house I have yet seen in the mountain; a framed house, painted white, with a log kitchen attached. The owner was a man of superior standing. I judged from the public documents and law books on his table, that…
"Rumors From Washington," Raleigh Weekly Standard, April 17, 1861
"Seventy-Five Negroes Wanted," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861
Seventy-Five Negroes Wanted. I desire to purchase from fifty to seventy fiveLikely Young Negroes, of both sexes, ranging from eight to thirty years old--such as will be saleable in the Southern Market. No unsound negro wanted. I will pay Richmond…
Tags: Economy, Slavery/Slaves
"Sketches of Neighboring Slaveholders," ca. 1820s
THERE was a planter in the country, not far from us, whom I will call Mr. Litch. He was an ill-bred, uneducated man, but very wealthy. He had six hundred slaves, many of whom he did not know by sight. His extensive plantation was managed by well-paid…
Tags: Family, Race relations, Racial Violence, Slaves, Violence
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Hinton Rowan Helper, 1829-1909
Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a bitter and staunch racist, was the author of one of the greatest and most influential books on antislavery of his…