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- Collection: Scholarship
Within the Plantation Household : Black and White Women of the Old South
Antebellum southern women, like all others, lived in a discrete social system and political economy within which gender, class, and race relations shaped their lives and identities. Thus, even a preliminary sketch of the history of southern women…
Tags: Life, Plantation, southern, Women
William J. McNeill, "A Survey of Confederate Soldier Morale During Sherman's Campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas" (1971)
The men who composed the small remnants of Rebel commands brought together in an effort to stop Sherman's Savannah and Carolinas campaign realized the futility of their assignment; they knew that without help from other quarters Confederate…
William C. Harris, ''The Southern Unionist Critique of the Civil War'' (1985)
Missing from these historiographical studies are the views of Southern Unionists. Although containing elements of both contemporary Northern and Confederate interpretations, the Unionist critique of the war is unique, providing insights into the…
William A. Link, North Carolina (2009)
Walter C. Hilderman III, "The Absolute Necessity, April - November 1862" (2005)
On April 16, 1862, Jefferson Davis signed America's first national compulsory military service law...The new law prevented the one-year volunteers from leaving the army for two more years and provided for the conscription of additional three-year…
Tags: desertion, Enlistment
Timothy Huebner, The Southern Judicial Tradition (1999)
During and after the Civil War, Ruffin's championed the southern constitutional position. Believing strongly that the Constitution sanctioned slaveholders' rights as property holders, Ruffin turned away from support for the Union after the failure of…
Tags: sectionalism
Thomas Lanier Clingman: Fire Eater From the Carolina Mountains
The Reconstruction of White Southern Womanhood 1865-1895
Although the imagery of belledom looms especially large in writings about the Antebellum South, the actual ideal for women even then had been much more complex and divided. Through the early part of the nineteenth century, the celebration of the…
Tags: Postwar era, the South, Womanhood
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Hinton Rowan Helper, 1829-1909

Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a bitter and staunch racist, was the author of one of the greatest and most influential books on antislavery of his…