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"Election of Lincoln and Hamlin!," Fayetteville Observer, November 8, 1860

This item is an editorial from the Unionist newspaper the FayettevilleObserverin which the paper reports on the 1860 national election results. The paper laments the election of Abraham Lincoln as President, but it stresses the fact that although…

"Glorious News!--The Union Saved!!" Fayetteville Observer, February 28, 1861

February 28th article in the Unionist FayettevilleObserver in which the paper reported that a compromise had been voted for in the House of Representatives and that the House had also defeated a use of force bill. This reporting highlighted several…

David Dixon Porter, 1813-1891


Admiral David Dixon Porter was born into a family with a rich history of distinguished naval service on July 8, 1813 in Chester, Pennsylvania. Porter was the son of Commodore David Porter, a distinguished United States naval officer. Appointed to the…

Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman, Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery (1995)

Economists Robert Fogel and Stanly Engerman take a financial look at the practice of slavery. Their main argument is that it makes economic sense for a slaveholder to keep his slaves healthy. A healthy slave can do more work than a sick or beaten one…

“Two Years with a Colored Regiment: A Woman’s Experience," 1898

Two Years with a Colored Regiment 10.jpg

Reminiscences of our civil war have been given to the public image again and again, and our most able men have recited the details of the great battles and stirring events. But there are few records of the experiences of women in that war. This…

Diary of Frances Howard, January 21, 1865


Saturday, January 21st . . . . A lady was passing the general’s office when, noticing the United States flag stretched above the sidewalk, she stepped down into the sand to avoid passing under it. The guard called to her to walk under the…

Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 3, 1863

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In this letter, Poteet is writing his wife to tell her how desperately home sick he is. He continues to say that he and several others are considering desertion, and that they would have done so the previous evening if they had not been stopped by a…

Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 22, 1863

F. M. Poteet to Martha Poteet] Kinston N. C. Nove 22the 1863 My Dear Wife and Children I seat my self this Blesed sabath morning to Rite you afew lines to let you now that I am only tolarabel well I hav got A very Bad Cold and A very Bad Cough My…