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Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Major-General H. W. Halleck, December 24, 1864

In the Field, Savannah, GA., December 24, 1864.

Major General H. W. HALLECK,

Chief of Staff, Washington City, D. C.:

...then, communicating with the fleet in the neighborhood of…

General Ambrose E. Burnside to the Secretary of War, March 21, 1862

Newbern {N.C.} Mch 21 /62 I have the honor of reporting the following movements in my department since my hurrid report of the 16” inst- The detailed report of the Engagement on the 14” is not yet finished, but I hope will be ready to…

Eugene Genovese, The World the Slaveholders Made: Two Essays in Interpretation (1988)

Eugene Genovese presents the idea that slave owners are less likely to harm a slave if they have owned them from early on in the slave's life. Because of the amount of time invested by a slave owner in a particular slave, the owner may gain a sense…

"Address to the Colored People of North Carolina," December 19, 1870

Item #906.jpg


To the colored people throughout the State:

The undersigned Representatives send greeting:

Know ye that since the time that Haman conspired to destroy all the Jews who dwelt in the Persian…

Alfred Townsend, Lowery as A Brigand Leader, The Swamp Outlaws, 1872


"What is the meaning of this?" said I to "Parson" Sinclair—the fighting parson of Lumberton—"How can this fellow, with a handful of boys and illiterate men, put to flight a society only recently used to warfare and full of accomplished

The Scare on the Road, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872



An instance of the deep sense of apprehension created by these bandits in all southeastern Carolina is afforded by a dream which Colonel W. H. Barnard, editor of the Wilmington Star, related to me. The Colonel's paper is…

Henry Berry Lowery, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872


Henry Berry Lowery, the leader of the most formidable band of outlaws, considering the smallness of its numbers, that has been known in this country, is of mixed Tuscarera, mulatto and white blood, twenty-six years of age, five feet nine inches high…

The Confederate Republic, George C. Rable

George C. Rable’s book The Confederate Republic, provided information on the growing sectionalism in the South leading up to the Civil War. This was used in my first section on economics and sectionalism. He discusses the importance of the Whig…

Letter from George E. Stephens to the New York Weekly Anglo-African, March 6, 1864

Outpost or Camp, in the Field,
Near Jacksonville, Fla.,
March 6, 1864.

Mr. Editor: Actions and arduous duties since the 5th ult., the time of the sailing of the present expedition from Hilton Head, have caused the apparently studied silence on…

Defense of the Negro Race----Charges Answered. Speech of Hon. George H. White, of North Carolina, in the House of Representatives, January 29, 1901


© This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It may be used freely by individuals for research, teaching and personal use as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. DEFENSE OF THE NEGRO…