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Diary of Rice Bull, April 30, 1865

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April 30th, 1865, we began the “Homeward March” from Raleigh, N.C. the last, and to me, I can truly say, the happiest made by Sherman’s Army. It was to differ greatly from any made bus that preceded it. As in our other marches we were…

The Proposed Suffrage Amendment: The Platform and Resolutions of the People's Party, April 18, 1900


© This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It may be used freely by individuals for research, teaching and personal use as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. THE PROPOSED…

"General Sherman in Raleigh," Mary Clarke, ca. 1866

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By three o’clock in the morning we had bid adieu to every Confederate soldier, and instead of going to be, we retired to dress for the “sacking of the town.” “I mean to put on every white skirt I have,” exclaimed one…

Charlotte Grimes, "Sketches of My Life," 1918

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The night before the Yankees came, a friend, who belonged to Wheeler's Cavalry called and my mother gave him supper. While he was there, the servants came in and said the soldiers were tearing down the garden fence and putting their horses in, so he…

Diary of Catherine Edmondston, April 11, 1865

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And now, old friend, you my Journal, for a time good bye! You are too bulky to be kept out, exposed to prying Yankee eyes and thievish Yankee fingers. You go for a season to darkness and solitude and my record must henceforth be kept on scraps of…

Defense of the Negro Race----Charges Answered. Speech of Hon. George H. White, of North Carolina, in the House of Representatives, January 29, 1901


© This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It may be used freely by individuals for research, teaching and personal use as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. DEFENSE OF THE NEGRO…

The New Military Bill

This article was published two weeks after the passage of the Confederate Conscription Acts. It seems to offer support to the acts as necessary defensive measures, despite the fact that it goes against the original intentions of the Confederacy.


This article was published by the Raleigh Standard, and offers criticism of the Conscription Acts that were about the be passed by the Confederate congress. It highlights the fact that a strong national government was exactly what the Southern states…

"Executions for Desertion," September 3, 1862

This article describes the punishment of soldiers who had deserted from the Confederate Army, and states that it should be an example that prevents such acts in the future.