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Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, September 28, 1863


Near Rapidan Station Va.
Sept. 28th 1863.
My Dear wife:
This will inform you that I am about well again, and I hope it may find you well. The weather is cold up here now, and we have frost plenty, and…

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle December 29, 1863


Camp near Orange C.H. Va.,
Dec. 29th 1863.

My Dear Wife:
I again have the pleasure of writing you a few lines, informing you that I am well at present, hoping…

Letter of Joseph Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, February 15, 1864

55th soldier.jpeg.png

Near Orange C.H. Va.,
Feb, 15th, 1864
Dear Sarah,
I must tell you about us all re-enlisting for the war last Saturday. The whole Brigade was ordered out and General Davis gave us a stirring speech upon the subject. Our Regt. Seemed somewhat…

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to the Spirit of Age September 22, 1862


The following letter was printed in the September 22, 1862, issue of the Spirit of Age National Repentance. All governments are swayed by the hand of Providence; for we are taught in Holy writ, that 'the powers that be are ordained of God.' The…

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle April 13, 1862


The following letter was printed in the April 13, 1863, issue of the Spirit of the Age.

Deteriorating Influences of War. No. I

This important topic justly claims the attention of all good men and women; for it has a direct bearing upon the…


Amnesty Petition of Joseph W. Alexander, June 13, 1865 Alexander p1.jpg
Former Confederate navy officer and Naval Academy graduate Joseph Alexander attempted to show in his amnesty petition that he was raised to believe that his primary allegiance was to his state. Inasmuch, he portrayed his participation in the…

"Creoles Like the Amendment," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1900

Creoles Like the Amendment.pdf

CREOLES LIKE THE AMENDMENT. It Works to Perfect Satisfaction of the Educated and Uneducated Whites in the Sugar District. By Josephus Daniels Thibieodeaux, May 10. – “Under the Constitutional amendment, by reason of section five, every…


Thomas Ruffin, 1787-1870


Thomas C. Ruffin (1787-1870) was the elected judge of the Supreme Court of North Carolina from 1829 through 1852 and once again from 1858 through 1859. From 1833 until 1853, Thomas Ruffin served the Court as Chief Justice. Ruffin attended Princeton…

William Tecumseh Sherman, 1820-1891

William Sherman

William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) was a major-general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Sherman gained success in the Western Theater and oversaw the Military Division of the Mississippi after Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to the head of…