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James Rumley, Diary Entry, March 13, 1862


On the morning of Thursday the 13th. Of March 1862, the inhabitants of Beaufort were aroused by the sound of heavy cannonading in the direction of New Bern, which continued, with slight intermissions, for several hours. This, together with the…

"Cadet Paul Faison to his father regarding resigning his commission at West Point," April 12 and 14, 1861

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West Point N.Y. April 12, 1861
Dear Father Since,
I last wrote you [ev]ents have been daily occuring which leads to the conviction that there will be no compromise, and that the border states will be compelled to secede however unwilling they may…

"Reply by Governor Ellis to request by United States Secretary of War for troops from North Carolina", April 14, 1861

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War Department Washington, April 15, 1861 - (Teleghaphie [sic]) To Gov. Ellis Call made on you by to night's mail for two Regiments of Military for immediate service. Simon Cameron Secretary of War Reply.Executive Department Raleigh, April 15, 1861…

"General Assembly Resolutions submitted and referred to committee", January 1861

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Jan. 7, 1861. Resolved that the Governor be requested to inform the Senate if any portion of the citizens of North Carolina have consulted with him upon the propriety of taking possession of the United States forts in North Carolina or any one of…

"Governor's Correspondence: Arkansas Resolutions", March 28, 1861

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Little Rock, March 29, 1861 To His Excellency, J.W. Ellis Governor of the State of North Carolina Sir:- By the fifth of the Series of Resolutions which I have the honor herewith to transmit to you, and which were adopted by the State Convention of…

"Anson County Petition for Convention", January 1861

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To his Excellency John W. Ellis We, the undersigned, Petitioners, of the county of Anson, without respect to party, or party predilections, being convinced that the exigencies of the times and the scenes that are being enacted around us, almost…

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to the Spirit of Age September 22, 1862


The following letter was printed in the September 22, 1862, issue of the Spirit of Age National Repentance. All governments are swayed by the hand of Providence; for we are taught in Holy writ, that 'the powers that be are ordained of God.' The…

Arument on the Admission of Proof of Existence of the Ku Klux Klan of Mr. Boyden, 1871

Nathaniel Boyden’s argument regarding the admission of evidence on the Ku Klux Klan is detrimental to the respondent’s case. The main reasoning behind the impeachment stemmed from acts committed by secret organizations located in Alamance and…


Richard L. Zuber, North Carolina During Reconstruction (1969)

Just before Christmas, 1870, the House of Representatives drew up eight charges against the governor. The first two charges were that he had acted unlawfully by raising troops and sending them into Caswell and Alamance counties when there was no…


Testimony of Jesse Gant in Holden's impeachment trial, 1871

Jesse Gant was a political figure for forty years in both the counties of Alamance and Orange, North Carolina. The Board of Managers attempted to examine many respectable and well known men from the counties in question during the trial, and Mr. Gant…
