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An Address to the People of North Carolina on the Evils of Slavery by the Friends of Libersty and Equality, 1830

An Address to the People of North Carolina on the Evils of Slavery by the Friends of Libersty and Equality, 1830



We believe it is generally known that a social institution has, for some years, been progressing, for "the gradual abolition OF NEGRO SLAVERY" among us: yet we are well aware that our precise views in relation to this…

Amnesty Petition of John Manning, Jr., June 19, 1865

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Pittsboro N.C. June 7th 1865

To His Excellency Andrew Johnson
President of the U.S. of A.

The petition of John Manning Jr. of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina. respectfully shows to your Excellency, that he was born in…

Chandra Manning, "The Order of Nature Would Be Reversed: Slavery and the North Carolina Gubernatorial Election of 1864" (2008)

North Carolinians in the Era of the Civil War and Reconstruction.jpg

Vance’s campaign and election matter because they highlight the role of racial fear in suppressing disaffection, in smoothing the tensions inherent in Confederate patriotism, and in keeping enlisted men committed to the war when the…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Sect. of the Treasury Christopher C. Memminger, August 13, 1863

Honble. C. G. Memminger, Secty. of Treasury.

Through Chf. of Ord.

Sir: I have the honor to forward by Steamer "Eugenie" Captain Fry - one Box, Marked T. D. containing a Seal received from Mess. Frazer Trenholm and Co. Liverpool England.…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Major Caleb Huse, July 20, 1863

Major Caleb Huse.

Major: I have the honor to enclose herewith copy of letter of instruction from Colonel J. Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, dated May 19th, 1863. Also copy of letter from Lieut. Colonel I. M. St. John, Chief of the Niter and Mining…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Colonel Josiah Gorgas, September 2, 1863

St. George’s Ba.
September 1st, 1863–
Colonel J. Gorgas
Col: Your telegram of 21st Ulto. To Fort Fisher was received; in hand, just in time for the “Eugenie.”
A copy was enclosed to Capt. Fry, and handed to me–

Commander of the Department of North Carolina to the Secretary of War, May 5, 1863

New Bern No Ca May 5 1863 Sir A letter from Gov Andrew of date April 1st is referred to me by the War Department under date of April 27th, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the same and in reply beg leave to say. If it be the policy of…

Order by the Commander of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, 1863

Fort Monroe, Va., December 5th, 1863.
General Orders No. 46. The recruitment of colored troops has become the settled purpose of the Government. It is therefore the duty of every officer and soldier to aid in carrying out that purpose, by every…

Amnesty Petition of John Newland Maffitt, June 1, 1867

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Wilmington N.C.
June 1st 1867

To his Excellency
Andrew Johnson President of the United States

The petition of John N Maffitt of North Carolina for pardon under the Proclamation of your Excellency of May 1865 respectfully represents that he is…