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The Reconstruction of White Southern Womanhood 1865-1895


Although the imagery of belledom looms especially large in writings about the Antebellum South, the actual ideal for women even then had been much more complex and divided. Through the early part of the nineteenth century, the celebration of the…

" Man's Noblest Poem is Man's Bravest Deed"


Say not we have no Poetry! The nation’s daily life struggling ‘gainst adverse fate is in itself a grand unwritten Epic! See yon long line of fresh lipped boys forth with their Mothers’ prayers & blessings on their…

"Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color," North Carolina Revised Code No. 105, 1855

Any inhabitant of this State desirous to emancipate any slave or slaves, shall file a petition, in writing in some one of the Superior Courts of this State, setting forth, as near as may be, the name, sex, and age of each slave intended to be…

Arguments in the Impeachment Trial of W. W. Holden: Governor of North Carolina

Returning to the evidence we propose to offer, it will, we believe, satisfy the minds of the court, that there existed secret associations in the counties of Alamance and Caswell, having a common purpose and design to subvert the laws by threats,…

Petition to the Congress of the United States of America, July 8, 1867

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James Harris emphasized the good qualities of William Woods Holden. He identified him as a man who fought for the people and was deserving of holding office.

Certificate of appointment: James H. Harris to City Commissioner for Raleigh, N.C., July 13, 1868

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An appointment certificate of James H Harris to City Commissioner for Raleigh, NC. Appointment was given by Governor Holden who believed in uplifting the African American community to an equal standing in the political world.

W. W. Holden: A Political Biography

Two matters connected with Holden's administration need to be noted: the Reconstruction frauds perpetrated by the legislature and the deadly confrontation with the Klan, as the agent of white supremacy, which led directly to his…

North Carolina During Reconstruction

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The Klan was a threat to the Republican party and to the personal power of Governor Holden almost from the time it became active in North Carolina. The Republicans had befriended the Negroes and and to have their votes to stay in power. If the…

Reconstruction in North Carolina


"The inspiration for such measures was soon furnished by his evil genius, John pool. Acting upon his advice, the governor determined to raise a force of state troops and put into full effect the policy of terror which he had constantly threatened but…

Horace Wilson Raper, "William Woods Holden" (1951)

The General Assembly set in regular session on November 21, and the Conservatives were quick to use their new strength. They raised objections to seating several of the claimants, in both the Senate and House. In the Senate, objections were raised to…