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James Sprunt's recount of bringing in the Mary Celestia with an ill pilot

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At last the critical hour arrived, when, in the uncertain light of the dawn, they found that they had run near a blockader and had been see by her. The blockader opened fire on the Mary Celeste and pursued her. Like a seared greyhound she made…

Race, War, and Remembrance in the Appalachian South

Recounts the the role of the Southern Appalachian's in the years leading up to, during, and following the Civil War. Inscoe understands that the Appalachians are a unique place and often times their thoughts and ideas differed from many other…

"Whale Them With Sticks," Raleigh News and Observer, June 27, 1900

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"Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad." From the incendiary utterance of Butler before the Populist State committee and the threat of assassination voiced by Blackburn at Newton, down to the attempt by Lt. Gov. Reynolds, to scare…


Mountain Unionists are brutally murdered in the Shelton Laurell area of the NOrth Carolina Mountains. Among the victims was a 13 year old boy. The Unionists were accused of raiding a nearby town and stealing basic necessities as well as raiding a…

A Southern Confederacy


The hast and incosiderate section of South Carolina and other Cotton States...the border state can never live in peace with such men.

Chart of Rates for Pilotage of the Cape Fear River

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This is a chart showing the rates per linear of foot of vessels traveling the Cape Fear river, either northbound or southbound divided by how much draft the vessel carries and by the type of vessel (open decked or stacked deck)

Richard Reid "A Testcase of the 'Crying Evil': Desertion Among North Carolina Troops During the Civil War" (1981)


A major problem that faced both armies during the Civil war was desertion. As the conflict dragged on into a protracted war of attrition, the loss of men through absenteeism struck hardest at the South. Before the end of 1861 it had become a problem…

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896)




MR. JUSTICE BROWN, after stating the case, delivered the opinion of the court.

This case turns upon the constitutionality of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, passed in 1890, providing for…

Photo of Desertion

Photo of a Confederate deserter being discovered.

Drawing of hanging (1970-80)


"They hung my son by the limb of a tree"

Drawing of a Civil War deserter being hanged from a tree.