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Amnesty Petition of Richard C. Gatlin, June 8, 1865

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Richard C. Gatlin was excluded from amnesty under the third, fifth, and eighth provisions of Johnson's Amnesty Proclamation of 1865. He had been educated at West Point, left the US Army, and served as Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. Gatlin…

Amnesty Petition of Richard B. Lee, June 12, 1865

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Richard B. Lee was excluded from amnesty due to the fact that he resigned his commission in the US Army and went on to serve as Lieutenant Colonel in the Confederate Army. Lee underscored his meritorious service in the US Army prior to the Civil War,…

Amnesty Petition of R. L. Abernathy, July 13, 1865

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Burke Co., N.C.,
July 13th, 1865
To His Excellency

Andrew Johnson

Amnesty Petition of Peterson Dunn, June 30, 1865

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To his Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States

For I respectfully ask for amnesty and pardon according to the provision of your proclamation of the 29th of May under the following statement of facts. I am a citizen of the County…

Amnesty Petition of Joseph W. Alexander, June 13, 1865 Alexander p1.jpg
Former Confederate navy officer and Naval Academy graduate Joseph Alexander attempted to show in his amnesty petition that he was raised to believe that his primary allegiance was to his state. Inasmuch, he portrayed his participation in the…

Amnesty Petition of John Newland Maffitt, June 1, 1867

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Wilmington N.C.
June 1st 1867

To his Excellency
Andrew Johnson President of the United States

The petition of John N Maffitt of North Carolina for pardon under the Proclamation of your Excellency of May 1865 respectfully represents that he is…

Amnesty Petition of John N. Maffitt, June 1, 1867 Maffitt p1.jpg
After resigning his commission in the US Navy, J.N. Maffitt took a commission in the Confederate Navy and served as the commander of the privateer Florida. Maffitt explains that he never waged war on the United States, yet insists that he treated all…

Amnesty Petition of John Manning, Jr., June 19, 1865

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Pittsboro N.C. June 7th 1865

To His Excellency Andrew Johnson
President of the U.S. of A.

The petition of John Manning Jr. of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina. respectfully shows to your Excellency, that he was born in…

Amnesty Petition of J.J. Ward, August 3, 1865

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To the president of the United States,

The undersigned, a resident of the town of Franklinton, in the county of Franklin, state of North Carolina, a teacher by profession, aged 58 years, respectfully requests to His Excellency, Andrew Johnson,…

Amnesty Petition of J. B. Carpenter, August 15, 1865

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North Carolina
Rutherford County

To His Excellency Andrew Johnson President of the Unite States of America

The petition of J. B. Carpenter a resident of the County and State aforesaid, aged twenty seven years, last June and by occupation a…