Browse Items (916 total)
Letter of John Ellis to John Floyd, December 10, 1859
The Sense of insecurity prevailing among the people of this
State, renders it necessary that I should apply to you for arms
to place in the hands of the militia.
I wish to procure from the Government, two thousand long
range rifles with bayonets…
Tags: Prewar North Carolina
Michael Moore, Exhibit case in "North Carolina in Crisis," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Steven Boyer, Save Endor, March 30, 2013
Tags: Commemoration
"The Disunion Faction," Salisbury Carolina Watchman, April 9, 1861.
Tags: pre-war
Letter from R. M. Roark to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863
Tags: Female Patriotism, Home Front, Protection, Womanhood, Women
Letter of Joseph Todd to John Ellis, December 15, 1859
I wish you if it is consistent with the public service to send
me some 25 or 30 commissions for officers of the militia of the
95th Regiment of N. Carolina as I have none and but very few
officers commissioned. The times look a little squally and…
Tags: Prewar North Carolina
George Bond Claim, Southern Claims Commission
The commission itself was formed by act of congress on March 3, 1871 to handle reimbursement requests by…
Speech of John W. Ellis, March 9th, 1860.
Mr. President,102 and Gentlemen of the Convention
Your committee has communicated to me the action of the
Convention, and I am here to express to you my profound
obligations for the high confidence you are pleased to repose in
me. A nomination…
Tags: Prewar North Carolina
Robert Cover, Justice Accused
Jay Ballentine
Featured Item
North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge in presidential election, November 6, 1860

On November 6, 1860, in the presidential election, North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge (pictured), the southern Democratic nominee,…