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North Carolina Secession Flag

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The secession flag that was flown in NC, when it announced leaving the Union on May 20, 1861.

North Carolina Slaveholder to the Commander of the Department of North Carolina, October 8, 1862

Beaufort NC Oct 8th /62
Prompted by the necessity of the case, I have to make on you a requisition quite unpleasant- For the last two months I have supported my Family by the hire of two carpenters. They a few days ago refused to be hired & have…

North Carolina Through Four Centuries, 1989

The trial got under way on 2 February 1871 and lasted until 22 March, a period of seven weeks. A separate vote was taken on each of the eight charges, and Holden was found guilty on six. Although Holden was the second American governor to be…


North Carolina voters rejected a secession convention, February 28, 1861

On February 28, 1861, North Carolinian voters decided against convening a convention to consider secession by a vote of 47,322 to 46,672. In an irrelevant vote, since the convention did not meet, North Carolinian voters also chose 50 unconditional…

North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge in presidential election, November 6, 1860


The presidential election of 1860 featured a four-way race between John C. Breckinridge, the southern Democratic nominee from Kentucky running on a federal slave code platform; Stephen A. Douglas, the northern Democratic nominee from Illinois running…

Oliver Howard, Special Field Orders, No. 69 March 23, 1865

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Special Field Orders, No. 69 Heaquarders Departmen and Army of the Tennessee Falling Creek, N.C., March 23, 1865. I. The command will move tomorrow to Goldsboro. The Fifteenth Army Corps, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan commanding, will move upon any…

On the assault on Senator Sumner, June 6, 1856

The Northern papers are all condemning and denouncing Mr. Brooks for his assault on Senator Sumner, in the severest terms. We do not justify or excuse the mode and manner in which redress was taken for a supposed wrong. But, in censuring the attack,…

On the chastisement of Senator Sumner, May 26, 1856

The uppermost topic in the papers, North and South, now, is the recent chastisement of Senator Sumner, by Mr. Brooks, of South Carolina. -- As was expected, the affair has been a perfect Godsend to the Abolitionists, and they evidently intend to make…

Order by the Commander of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, 1863

Fort Monroe, Va., December 5th, 1863.
General Orders No. 46. The recruitment of colored troops has become the settled purpose of the Government. It is therefore the duty of every officer and soldier to aid in carrying out that purpose, by every…


During the Civil War both the North and South often used a system of parole to deal with surrendered opponents, rather than taking prisoners. Captured soldiers were released on parole on their promise not to take up arms again, or not to take up arms…