Browse Items (916 total)
Picture of Major John H Gee
Ku Klux Klan Mask, c. 1870
Tags: postwar, Race relations, Racial Violence, Racism
Edward W. Clay, "An Amalgamation Waltz", n.d
Tags: Race relations, Racism, spring2013
"Under Which Flag?," News and Observer, November 1, 1889
Tags: cartoons, postwar, Race relations
Letter from Sister to Sister, April 1865
Dear Sister,
I suppose I would write you a few lines. I thought you would be uneasy. Sister, the Yankees have been here. They say there was seven thousand, but I don’t know how many there was but it was the most men I ever saw and some say ten…
Tags: Family, Gender Relations, Home Front, slavery, Soldiers, Troop Movement
Ryan Eubanks
Samantha Copeland
Charles Pfeiffer
To Bernard Winfield, With happy memories of our Whistle Stop Tour, October 1964, Lady Bird Johnson
"Read and Circulate!," 1872
CONVERSATION BETWEEN A REPUBLICAN AND A DEMOCRAT OF THE RANK AND FILE. Republican. Well, neighbor Democrat, how do you stand on politics now a days? Democrat. I am a Democrat still. R. Going to support the Democratic ticket and endorse the acts of…
Tags: Constitution, Democrat, Government, reconstruction, Suffrage
"Taken From the Record," October 5, 1880
GREENSBORO, Oct. 3.- If the terrible civil war, which cost this country so much of blood and of treasure, was not fought altogether in vain, if the Reconstruction acts and the amendments to the national Constitution are not entirely without force, it…
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North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge in presidential election, November 6, 1860

On November 6, 1860, in the presidential election, North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge (pictured), the southern Democratic nominee,…