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Letter from Mary A. Windsor to Zebulon Baird Vance, February 1, 1865
Reidsville NC Feb. the 1st 1865
Gov Vance Honored Sir,
Permit me the pleasure of communicating to you a few of my thoughts by way of letter and of asking a great favor of you that is concerning my dear and beloved husband who has been gone from…
Tags: Family, Home Front, Protection, State Government, Womanhood, Women
Stephen R. Wise, Lifeline of the Confederacy (1988)
For both vessels and supplies, the South looked to Great Britian and, once the British realized the immense profits that could be made by running cargoes through the blockade, a large and enthusiastic trade soon opened up between Bermuda, Nassau,…
Tags: blockade running
Letter from Mary Woodward to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863
Tags: Donation, Female Patriotism, Petition, State Government, Womanhood, Women
James A. Wynn Jr., Thomas Ruffin and the Perils of Public Homage: State v. Mann: Judicial Choice or Judicial Duty? (2009)
Richard E. Yates, "Zebulon B. Vance as War Governor of North Carolina, 1862-1865" (1937)
While Vance was willing to aid the Confederate government by enrolling conscripts and returning deserters, he was insistent, nevertheless, that the Richmond authorities should exert their war power with due regard for the rights of North Carolina…
Jean Fagan Yellin, The Harriet Jacobs Family Papers (2008)
She was a slave in the South and a fugitive in the South and in the North. She was an abolitionist, the author of a published slave narrative. She was a relief worker during the Civil War, and after Reconstruction, she was an entrepreneur. Although…
Tags: Slave Resistance, Slavery/Slaves, Women
Robert York
Letter of Zebulon B. Vance to William Dickson, December 11, 1860
Zebulon B. Vance
To William Dickson, December 11, 1860
"The Whole Southern mind is inflamed to the highest pitch and the leaders in the disunion move are scorning every suggestion of compromise and rushing everything with ruinous and indecent…
Letter from Zebulon Vance to William Graham, January 2, 1864
Raleigh, January 2, 1864.
My Dear Sir: The final plunge which I have been dreading and avoiding—that is to separate me from a large number of my political friends, is about to be made. It is now a fixed policy of Mr. Holden and others to call a…
Letter from Zebulon B. Vance to Edward Stanly, November 24, 1862
To E. Stanly Raleigh, Nov. 24th 1862 Having recieved and read your letter of the 7th inst, a proper sense of self-respect and of regard to the position I occupy compels me to return it herewith to its author. I have only to say Sir, by way of…
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Voter Registration Card from Alamance County, 1902

This voter registration card was created after the Democrat-controlled North Carolina General Assembly passed a Suffrage Amendment in 1900. The…