Browse Items (916 total)
"Creoles Like the Amendment," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1900
CREOLES LIKE THE AMENDMENT. It Works to Perfect Satisfaction of the Educated and Uneducated Whites in the Sugar District. By Josephus Daniels Thibieodeaux, May 10. – “Under the Constitutional amendment, by reason of section five, every…
Tags: Suffrage
"Craven County December 1860 resolutions" December 12, 1860
Craven County Meeting On yesterday the 12th December a large portion of the citizens of Craven met in the Theatre to give expression to their sentiments relative to the present alarming state of National affairs. On motion W.B. Wadsworth was called…
Tags: pre-war, Secession, sectionalism
"Col. Sam. Colt's Revolving Fire Arms," Raleigh Register, March 27, 1861
These arms have no equals in quality and finish; are adopted by the Army and Navy of the United States, and the principal governments of Europe; are uniform in all their parts, are simple, safe, sure serviceable, and can be had in one hundred…
Tags: Mobilization
"Civil War Will Be Abolition," North Carolina Standard, February 5, 1861
If the difficulties between the North and South should not be settled during the next six months, war will be the result. There will be three or four Confederacies. It will be impossible for the Northwestern and Gulf States to avoid war,—the…
Tags: Abolition, Civil War, Confederacy, Slavery/Slaves, South, union
"Civil War re-enactors meet to make sure they present history accurately," April 8, 2012
Civil War re-enactors meet to make sure they present history accurately WALNUT COVE -- More than 100 Civil War re-enactors left the 21st century behind Saturday to become better at what they spend a lot of their time doing — making history…
Tags: Commemoration
"Childhood," ca. 1810s-1820s
I WAS born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away. My father was a carpenter, and considered so intelligent and skilful in his trade, that, when buildings out of the common line were to be erected, he was sent…
Tags: Family, Race relations, slavery, Slaves, Women
"Chairman F.M. Simmons' Speech," Raleigh News and Observer, April 12, 1900
On calling the Democratic State convention to order Chairman Simmons said: Gentlemen of the Convention: “This Convention is assembled by order of your Executive Committee for the purpose of nominating candidates for State offices and for the…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics, Suffrage
"Chairman F.M. Simmons Issues a Patriotic and Able Address, Summing Up the Issues, and Appealing Elo- Quently to the White Voters To Redeem the State" Raleigh News and Observer, November 3, 1898
Chairman F.M. Simmons
Issues a Patriotic and Able Address, Summing
Up the Issues, and Appealing Elo-
Quently to the White Voters
To Redeem the State
The most memorable campaign ever waged in North Carolina…
Tags: State Politics
"Cartoons Are For All," Raleigh News and Observer, June 14, 1900
In a speech in Lexington last Saturday, so we are informed, State Chairman Holton, of the Republican committee, paid his respects to the editor of the News and Observer, and said that he had to teach his Democratic subscribers by means of cartoons…
Tags: Race relations, State Government, Suffrage
Featured Item
Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…