Browse Items (916 total)
"Cadet Paul Faison to his father regarding resigning his commission at West Point," April 12 and 14, 1861
West Point N.Y. April 12, 1861
Dear Father Since,
I last wrote you [ev]ents have been daily occuring which leads to the conviction that there will be no compromise, and that the border states will be compelled to secede however unwilling they may…
"Butler Color Blind," Raleigh News and Observer, June 17, 1900
BUTLER COLOR BLIND Laments Over a Mulatto Kid Thinking He's White The Amendment Disfranchises This Child, He Says. You Caught a Mulatto, Senator, Some One Replies. (Special to News and Observer) Morganton, N.C., June 16 - A small Republican…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics, Suffrage
"Attacks on the People's Candidate," June 25, 1862
"As Fusionists Think it Will Be," Raleigh News and Observer, June 27, 1900
AS FUSIONISTS THINK IT WILL BE. "WHALE REGISTRARS AND POLL-HOLDERS." Incendiary Advice Given to Negroes by a Fusion Black and Tan Leader. State of North Carolina -- Wake County Charles T. Hester being duly sworn says that he had a conversation…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics, Suffrage
"Appreciation of Art in North Carolina," Harper's Weekly, October 31, 1868
First Native: “Who's 'im, Bill?” Second Native: “D—d Carpet-Bagger!” First Native: “What kind of a Yankee trick is that he's up to?” Second Native: “Be dad-drat if I know. Shall I split his…
Tags: Humor, sectionalism
"Anson County Petition for Convention", January 1861
To his Excellency John W. Ellis We, the undersigned, Petitioners, of the county of Anson, without respect to party, or party predilections, being convinced that the exigencies of the times and the scenes that are being enacted around us, almost…
"Another Change in Color," August 3, 1864
Another Change of Color. Holden first printed his tickets on white paper, as an emblem of peace—then he printed a lot on buff paper, by way of an attempt to counterfeit the color of the Vance tickets: -- but finding that the counterfeit could…
"An Arrest by the Rebels-The Contraband Troops-Re-enlistment of Veterans- items from the North Carolina Press," New York Times, January 13, 1864
From North Carolina.
An Arrest by the Rebels-The Contraband Troops- Re-enlistment of Veterans- items from the North Carolina Press.
Newbern, NC. Jan 7
The Second regiment of North Carolina Union volunteers is rapidly organizing. Its…
Tags: occupation
"An Address to the People of North Carolina, on the Evils of Slavery. By the Friends of Liberty and Equality: Manumission Society of North Carolina," Greensborough Patriot, March, 1830
"An Act to Divide North Carolina into Eight Congressional Districts," Raleigh, North Carolina General Assembly (1871)
CHAPTER CLXXI. AN ACT TO DIVIDE NORTH CAROLINA INTO EIGHT CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That for the purpose of selecting representatives in the congress of the United States, the state of North…
Tags: State Government
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898

On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…