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On the assault on Senator Sumner, June 6, 1856

The Northern papers are all condemning and denouncing Mr. Brooks for his assault on Senator Sumner, in the severest terms. We do not justify or excuse the mode and manner in which redress was taken for a supposed wrong. But, in censuring the attack,…

On the chastisement of Senator Sumner, May 26, 1856

The uppermost topic in the papers, North and South, now, is the recent chastisement of Senator Sumner, by Mr. Brooks, of South Carolina. -- As was expected, the affair has been a perfect Godsend to the Abolitionists, and they evidently intend to make…

"The Nebraska Question," February 1, 1854

In the Senate, on the 23d ult., Mr. DOUGLAS, from the Committee on Territories, reported a substitute for the bill which was brought forward by him a short time since for the organization of Nebraska territory. The leading features of the substitutes…

"The Nebraska Bill," February 22, 1854

When, on one or two former occasions, -- after advancing the suggestion that the introduction of the Nebraska bill was premature, and expressing our well-grounded opinion of the motives of Douglas, the demagogue, in bringing it forward, -- we…

ROTC students view Civil War exhibit at NCSU, 1960

In this photograph, two Reserve Officers' Training Corps students view a Civil War exhibit at D. H. Hill Library at North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering (now North Carolina State University) in 1960, roughly one hundred years…

D. H. Hill, "Governor John W. Ellis and Secession," 1907


CHAPTER XXXVI. GOVERNOR JOHN W. ELLIS AND SECESSION. 427. The John Brown raid.--Two events took place in 1859 which threw North Carolina into a state of wild excitement. The first was John Brown's seizure of the United States arsenal at Harper's…