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  • Tags: Confederate Woman

Diary of Alice Campbell, ca. 1865

Arsenal Ruins.jpg

Sherman, with his hordes of depraved and lawless men, came upon us like swarms of bees, bringing sorrow and desolation in their pathway. For days, we had been expecting them, and our loved boys in grey had been passing through in squads looking…

Diary of Anna Maria Green, November 25, 1864

Georgia Governor\'s Mansion.jpg

. . . . This morning the last of the vandals left our city and burned the bridge after them - and leaving suffering and desolation behind them, and embittering every heart. The worst of their acts was committed to poor Mrs. Nichols. Violence done,…

Diary of A Woman of Fayetteville, March 22, 1865

March 11, 1865 Union Soldiers fighting at Fayetteville NC.jpg

Fayetteville, N.C., March 22, 1865

Sherman has gone and terrible has been the storm that has swept over us with his coming and going. They deliberately shot two of our citizens-murdered them in cold blood-one of them a Mr. Murphy, a wounded…

Jacqueline Glass Campbell, When Sherman Marched North from the Sea (2003)

Campbell, When Sherman Marched North from the Sea.jpg

By integrating evidence from soldiers and civilians, black and white, at a moment when home front and battlefront merged, Sherman's March becomes a far more complex story-one that illuminated the importance of culture for determining the limits of…

Diary of Catherine D. Edmondston, March 21, 1865


Brother writes from Raleigh that Sherman effected a junction with Schofield at Elizabethtown in Bladen county, that on Friday there was a sharp fight a Black River (which divides Sampson from Cumberland) without decisive result. He is most despondent…

Diary of Catherine Edmondston, April 11, 1865

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And now, old friend, you my Journal, for a time good bye! You are too bulky to be kept out, exposed to prying Yankee eyes and thievish Yankee fingers. You go for a season to darkness and solitude and my record must henceforth be kept on scraps of…

Charlotte Grimes, "Sketches of My Life," 1918

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The night before the Yankees came, a friend, who belonged to Wheeler's Cavalry called and my mother gave him supper. While he was there, the servants came in and said the soldiers were tearing down the garden fence and putting their horses in, so he…

Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 20, 1865

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April 20, 1865

We have lived in such a state of excitement for the past month that I have not had the time to write any thing which occurred but to begin at this late day—After the evacuation of Goldsboro—we were in constant expectation of the…

Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 25, 1865


April 25, 1865 Gen Johnston has surrendered his army! We have no army now-We have been overpowered-outnumbered, but thank God we have not been whipped—Did I ever think to live to see this day! After all the misery & anguish of the four…

Diary of Emma Holmes , March 4, 1865


Later two more knocked at the door, came in & entered into conversation with Mrs. M[ickle]. Finding them well behaved, I fired volley after volley of rebel shot at them. One was from Illinois, the other from Pennsylvania-both young, as indeed…