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- Tags: Enlistment
Commander of the Department of North Carolina to the Secretary of War, May 5, 1863
New Bern No Ca May 5 1863 Sir A letter from Gov Andrew of date April 1st is referred to me by the War Department under date of April 27th, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the same and in reply beg leave to say. If it be the policy of…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Soldiers
Recruitment Poster for "Color'd Men", 1863
Bounty, $602.
Cashdown, 350.
Besides State, and United States pay, &c.
Recruits will be mustered into Colored Regiments.
James S. Henry;
At Recruiting Office, Second & Bridge Ave.
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Order by the Commander of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, 1863
Fort Monroe, Va., December 5th, 1863.
General Orders No. 46. The recruitment of colored troops has become the settled purpose of the Government. It is therefore the duty of every officer and soldier to aid in carrying out that purpose, by every…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Charles Jones, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
The sketch on page 164 represents a party of the
Union officers who lately escaped from Libey prison,
under the guidance and protection of negroes living
in the environs of Richmond. They are conducted
by one of these poor slaves to his cabin…
Tags: Battle Description, Enlistment, Freedpeople, Prisons, slavery, Slaves, soldier
"Enlistment of Negroes", August 21, 1862
Enlistment of Negroes It is remarkable how much fuss resolute zealots can make over a very small matter. Two or three of our smaller States, to judge from the noise made in them, are quite convulsed on the subject of enlisting blacks as soldiers to…
Tags: Enlistment, Slavery/Slaves
Civil War Service Record of Edward Bell, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Elias Moore, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Adams Davis, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Julian Williams, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, soldier
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Hinton Rowan Helper, 1829-1909

Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a bitter and staunch racist, was the author of one of the greatest and most influential books on antislavery of his…