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- Tags: North Carolina
Letter from William Sherman to Ellen Sherman, April 9, 1865
In the Field, Goldsboro, N. C,
April 9, 1865.
. . .. Tomorrow we move straight against Joe Johnston wherever he may be. Grant's magnificent victories about Petersburg, and his rapid pursuit of Lee's army makes it unnecessary for me to move…
Letter from William Sherman to D.L. Swain, April 22, 1865
Hon. D. L. Swain, Chapel Hill, N. C.:
MY DEAR SIR: Yours of April nineteenth was laid before me yesterday, and I am pleased that you recognize in…
Tags: Home Front, North Carolina
Letter from Robert Lee to Zebulon Vance, February 24, 1865
HEADQUARTERS CONFEDERATE STATES ARMIESFeb. 24, 1865. HIS EXCELLENCY Z. B. VANCE GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA RALEIGH GOVERNOR: The state of despondency that now prevails among our people is producing a bad effect upon the troops. Desertions are…
Letter from Nellie Worth to Cousin Pattie, March 21, 1865
There was no officer with the first men that came, and our drooping spirits were revived about one o’clock by the sight of a Yankie officer. He came in the house and introduced himself as Lt. Bracht, Mamma and I immediately appealed to him for…
Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, February 4, 1864
N C Mcdowell Co 1864 thursday Feb the 4 My Dear husband I recieved your kind and loving letter last saturday and was glad to hear fom you and hear you was well but sory to hear sunday that you was not well we are not well they nearly all hav had sore…
Tags: Confederate Woman, Home Front, Homelife, North Carolina, wartime, Women
Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, August 30, 1864
Mcdowell Co teusday August 30th 1864 Dear husband I seat my self this evning to let you know we are onley tolerable well the children is complaining I expect they are taking Measels but I do hope this will reach your kind hands and find you will I…
Letter from Janie Smith to Janie Robeson, April 12, 1865
Where Home used to be,
Apr. 12th 1865
Your precious letter, My dear Janie, was received night before last, and the pleasure it afforded me, and indeed the whole family, I leave for you to imagine, for it baffles words to express my thankfulness…
Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Major-General H. W. Halleck, December 24, 1864
In the Field, Savannah, GA., December 24, 1864.
Major General H. W. HALLECK,
Chief of Staff, Washington City, D. C.:
...then, communicating with the fleet in the neighborhood of…
Tags: military strategy, North Carolina, union
Letter from Edward Jones Hale Jr. to James Lane, July 31, 1865
Fayetteville, N.C., July 31st, 1865.
My Dear General:
It would be impossible to give you an adequate idea of the destruction of property in this good old town. It may not be an average instance; but it is one the force of whose truth we feel…
Katherine Giuffre, "First in Flight: Desertion as Politics in the North Carolina Confederate Army" (1997)
"In place of open mutiny, [powerless groups] prefer desertion...They make use of implicit understandings and informal networks...When such stratagems are abandoned in favor of more quixotic action, it is usually a sign of great desperation." Scott…
Tags: Civil War, desertion, North Carolina
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898

On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…