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- Tags: Race relations
Letter of Members of All Companies, Third North Carolina Infantry, U.S.V. to Secretary of War, October 5, 1898
Secretary of War,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
We the undersigned many soldiers, heard that you had been instructed that we wanted to stay in service, as garrison duty, but, my dear sir, we are now pleading with mercy and deny any such…
Tags: patriotism, Race relations, soldier
Scot Ngozi-Brown, “African-American Soldiers and Filipinos" (1997)
U.S. racial imperialism, at the turn of the century, targeted Filipinos and other peoples of color throughout the world whom white Americans considered barbaric and thus incapable of self-government. Within the borders of the United States,…
Letter of N. C. Bruce, North Carolina Battalion to the Editor, the News and Observer, May 28, 1898
To the Editor: Much is being said about Negro soldiers in the present war that is unmanly, unwise and uncharitable, and yet there is one cheering, refreshing thought among heaps of trashy talk: It is that nobody seriously suggests any want of…
Tags: patriotism, Race relations, Soldiers
"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898
Aycock and Craig Open the Ball Gloriously,
Join in the Commencement of a Campaign that is to…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics
R.W. Reising, "Literary Depictions of Henry Berry Lowry: Mythic, Romantic, and Tragic" (1992)
Henry Berry Lowry is central to the culture of the Lumbee Indians, the largest body of Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. In virtually all studies of the tribe, the outlaw who mysteriously disappeared in 1872 garnerse laboratem ention.…
Letter of Sterling Ruffin to Thomas Ruffin, June 9, 1804
From Sterling Ruffin. [Brunswick, June, 1804] I have no apology to offer for not complying with the promise made in my last, of writing again, in a few days, except that I wish'd to have forwarded you a small B. Note, for fear, from some unforeseen…
Tags: Race relations, Slavery/Slaves
Mark Tushnet, Slave Law in the American South (2003)
Tags: Race relations, Slavery/Slaves
David Brown, "Attacking Slavery from Within" (2004)
Just weeks after the incident in Baltimore, a fellow North Carolinian was also attacked for his abolitionist stance. Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick, born and raised near Salisbury, was dismissed from his fac ulty post at the University of North Carolina…
Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908
Daniel Russell was born on August 7, 1845, in Brunswick County, North Carolina, on the Winnabow Plantation. His parents were Daniel Lindsay and Carolina Sanders Russell. Both the Lindsay and Russell families were wealthy slave owners at the time of…
Josephus Daniels, 1862-1948
Josephus Daniels (1862-1848) was the influential editor of the Raleigh News and Observer during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He used his newspaper, which he purchased in 1894, to promote the political agenda of the Democratic…
Tags: Race relations, State Government, Suffrage
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898

On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…