In the completion of this exhibit a number of valuable resources were consulted. The State Library of North Carolina proved indispensable by making a number of Civil War-era newspapers available on microfilm, particularly the Weekly Raleigh Register. A number of articles from the Raleigh Weekly Standard made up the second half of primary sources used in this exhibit, and was made available through Only a minimal number of secondary sources were consulted in the creation of this exhibit, and primarily used to obtain biographical information and information regarding overall social trends in North Carolina in 1862.
Primary Sources
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "Attacks on the People's Candidate." June 25, 1862. Accessed April 18, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "A Call for Volunteers." January 22, 1862. Accessed March 28, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "The Conscription." July 23, 1862. p.1. Accessed April 2, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "Deserters Shot." November 12, 1862. Accessed April 3, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "Military Conscription." April 16, 1862. Accessed April 2, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "Never Give Up." February 26, 1862. Accessed April 3, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "Northern Politics." October 15, 1862. Accessed April 3, 2012.
Raleigh Weekly Standard. "The President's Message." January 15, 1862. Accessed April 10, 2012.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "Executions for Desertion." September 3, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation." October 1, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "List of Absent Without Leave From 6th N.C. Troops." November 5, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "McClellan's Plan." February 12, 1862. p.2. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "The Battle of Shiloh." April 30, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "The Conscript Law - Holden's Physic Working." July 23, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "The New Military Bill." April 16, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "Volunteers and Re-Enlistment." February 19, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "Volunteers for the War." January 22, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Weekly Raleigh Register. "What the War is Costing the North." January 8, 1862. State Library of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Secondary Sources
Folk, Edgar E. and Shaw, Bynum. W. W. Holden: A Political Biography. Winston-Salem: Blair, 1982. Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Accessed April 20, 2012.
Hilderman, Walter C. They Went Into the Fight Cheering: Confederate Conscription in North Carolina. Boone: Parkway Publishers Inc, 2005.
Mobley, Joe A. Weary of War: Life on the Confederate Home Front. Westport: Praeger, 2008.
Powell, William S. ed. “William Woods Holden, 24 Nov. 1818-2 Nov. 1892.” from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 1996. Accessed April 20, 2012.