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  • Collection: Scholarship

Scot Ngozi-Brown, “African-American Soldiers and Filipinos" (1997)

Journal of African American History

U.S. racial imperialism, at the turn of the century, targeted Filipinos and other peoples of color throughout the world whom white Americans considered barbaric and thus incapable of self-government. Within the borders of the United States,…

Kent Redding, Making Race, Making Power (2003)

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Democratic elites were able to make and regain power in the 1870s because they had established mechanisms for doing so, mechanisms that fit well with the vertical patterns of social relations of North Carolina’s society and tapped…

Drew Gilpin Faust, Mothers of Invention (1996)


Catherine Edmondston worried about the vehemence of her secessionist views because of the divisions they were causing in her own family. Before Lincoln’s call for troops in April 1861, Edmondston’s parents and sister remained staunch…


Jacqueline Glass Campbell, When Sherman Marched North from the Sea (2003)

Campbell, When Sherman Marched North from the Sea.jpg

By integrating evidence from soldiers and civilians, black and white, at a moment when home front and battlefront merged, Sherman's March becomes a far more complex story-one that illuminated the importance of culture for determining the limits of…

Ansley Herring Wegner, Phantom Pain (2004)


North Carolina rapidly responded to the needs of its Confederate amputees. The General Assembly passed a resolution of January 23, 1866, asking Gov. Jonathan Worth "to make a contract with some manufacturer of artificial limbs to supply the need of…

David Blight, Race and Reunion (2001)


This book is a history of how Americans remembered their most divisive and tragic experience during the fifty-year period after the Civil War. It probes the interrelationship between the two broad themes of race and reunion in American culture and…