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"North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861


This company takes risks upon all healthy lives between the ages of 14 and 60 years--for one year, for seven years, or for life--the assurers for life participating in the profits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and 60 years, are…

"Seventy-Five Negroes Wanted," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861


Seventy-Five Negroes Wanted. I desire to purchase from fifty to seventy fiveLikely Young Negroes, of both sexes, ranging from eight to thirty years old--such as will be saleable in the Southern Market. No unsound negro wanted. I will pay Richmond…

James McPherson, What They Fought For (1994)

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This conviction that they fought for their homes and women gave many Confederate soldiers remarkable staying power in the face of adversity. "My dear be a brave woman to the last," wrote a Shenandoah Valley farmer serving in the 10th Cavalry to his…

Murder of Allen and William Lowry, March 3, 1865


On March 3rd 1865, bands of the Home Guard, under orders of Robert McKenzie, the leader of the Home Guard in the region, collected several members of the Lowry family to his plantation after several animals from his plantation were stolen. Suspecting…

"An Address to the People of North Carolina, on the Evils of Slavery. By the Friends of Liberty and Equality: Manumission Society of North Carolina," Greensborough Patriot, March, 1830

William Swaim, editor of the Greensborough Patriot, published this address in pamphlet form through his newspaper. Swaim was also the Secretary of the Manumission Society of North Carolina and printed the tract at the request of the Society President…

John Spencer Bassett, Slavery in the State of North Carolina (1899)

The story of slavery in the State of North Carolina may be considered in two parts, the dividing point of which is the year 1831. Before this year the general conditions of the slave were more humane than after it. Public feeling on the question was…

Jeffrey Brooke Allen, "The Racial Thought of White North Carolina Opponents of Slavery, 1789-1876" (1982)

Jeffrey Brooke Allen examined the viewpoints of North Carolina white opponents of slavery from Antebellum to Reconstruction. Through a variety of primanry sources, Allen concluded that many white absolitionists beleived that all Blacks were inferior…

Patrick Sowle, "The North Carolina Manumission Society, 1816-1834" (1965)

The Manumission Society of North Carolina was founded by slavery opponents, mostly Quakers. Its members formed an alliance to distribute written and verbal information about the evils of the institution and its effects on the state's economy and…

Diary of G.S. Bradley, November 19, 1864

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November 19. Broke camp about daylight, and after marching a short distance, were ordered to halt and tear up and burn the railroad track. The entire forenoon was spent in this manner, the track being torn up as far as Madison. It was quite…

Letter from William T. Sherman to General Henry Halleck, September 4, 1864

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H'd Qrts. Mil. D. of the Miss.
In the Field near Lovejoys Ga.
Sept. 4th 64.

General Halleck

The 20th Corps now occupies Atlanta & the Chattahoochee bridges. The main Army is now here, grouped below Jonesboro. The…