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Letter of William J. Hardee to William T. Sherman, December 17, 1864

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Headquarters Department South Carolina Georgia, and Florida, Savannah, Georgia, December 17, 1864. Major-General W.T. Sherman, commanding Federal Forces near Savannah, Georgia. General: I have to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from you…

Letter of William Holland Thomas to Jefferson Davis, November 8, 1862

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HeadQuarters, Strawberry Plains, November 8, 1862 President Jefferson Davis: Dear Sir: Summer is gone; fall has come. During the latter we came near losing East Tennessee. At present we have to look out for the future. I beg leave to submit a…

Recollections of My Slavery Days, ca. 1863

I I have lived through the greatest epoch in history, having been born August 10, 1835, at Newbern, North Carolina. That was not so many years, you see, after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and the winning of the Revolutionary War.…

Letter from William H. Thomas to Zebulon B. Vance, November 22, 1862

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From Wm. H. Thomas Knoxville Nov. 22. 1862 In the progress of the war men and circumstances change. At the commencement you were in Military I in Civil positions. Now my position is what your position is then. I find myself at the head of a…

State v Jarrott, a Slave


GASTON, Judge. We are of opinion that the Judge did not err, in refusing to give the first instruction which was prayed for by the counsel for the prisoner. It is not questioned but that the prisoner was entitled to the benefit of all those humane…

The State v Negro Will, a Slave of James S Battle


PRIOR HISTORY: [**1] The defendant was indicted for the murder of one Richard Baxter, and on the trial before his Honor Judge DONNELL, at Edgecombe, on the last Circuit, the jury returned the following special verdict, viz:
"That the prisoner Will…

William Gaston, "Address Delivered Before the Philanthropic & Dialectic Societies at Chapel Hill," June 20, 1832


Gentlemen of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies:

When I look around on this extraordinary concourse of visitors, I cannot but feel that expectation has been too highly excited, and cannot but anticipate and regret the disappointment…


The Civil War Letters of W.D. Carr of Duplin County, North Carolina

Sunday, Sept. 7th, 1862
Mrs. L. Carr-Dear Mother,
As Mr. Bass is going to start home early in the morning, will write you a few lines and let you know who we are getting along. We are all tolerable well. Sam Evans was taken quite sick day before…

William D. Cooke, "Cooke's new map of the state of North Carolina," 1857


"Cooke's new map of the state of North Carolina: constructed from actual surveys, private contributions & authentic public documents procured for the purpose under a special resolution of the General Assembly of the state. William D. Cooke, A.M.,…

Zebulon B. Vance Indulged in Voter Manipulation Tactics during the Gubernatorial Election of 1864

In North Carolina’s 1864 gubernatorial elections between Governor Zebulon B. Vance and William W. Holden, Vance promoted strong intimidation tactics in order to scare Holden’s supporters into voting for Vance on election day. It is also…