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Walker's Appeal, in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly, to Those of the United States of America, Written in Boston, State of Massachusetts, September 28, 1829
My dearly beloved Brethren and Fellow Citizens.
HAVING travelled over a considerable portion of these United States, and having, in the course of my travels, taken the most accurate observations of things as…
Tags: Antislavery/Abolition
Inquiry into the Causes Which Have Retarded the Accumulation of Wealth and Increase of Population in the Southern States: in Which the Question of Slavery is Considered in a Politico-Economical Point of View. By a Carolinian, 1846
The value of the slave to his master is the difference between what he produces and what he consumes; in other words, the slave is a charge to his master, or to the land he tills, to the amount of his food and clothing: the…
A Journey in the Back Country, 1860
I stopped last night at the pleasantest house I have yet seen in the mountain; a framed house, painted white, with a log kitchen attached. The owner was a man of superior standing. I judged from the public documents and law books on his table, that…
Tags: Antislavery/Abolition
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Written by Herself, 1861
DURING the first years of my service in Dr. Flint's family, I was accustomed to share some indulgences with the children of my mistress. Though this seemed to me no more than right, I was grateful for it, and…
Tags: Antislavery/Abolition
William Holland Thomas, 1805-1893
William Holland Thomas was a white southerner who was born in the northwest region of North Carolina. Though Thomas had some relation to the former president Zachery Taylor, he had relatively modest beginnings. Thomas was raised by his widowed mother…
Letter of William Holland Thomas to Jefferson Davis, November 8, 1862
HeadQuarters, Strawberry Plains, November 8, 1862 President Jefferson Davis: Dear Sir: Summer is gone; fall has come. During the latter we came near losing East Tennessee. At present we have to look out for the future. I beg leave to submit a…
William T. Sherman, Special Field Orders No. 28, March 11, 1865
Special Field Orders No. 28. HDQRS. Mil. Div. of the Mississippi, In the Field, Fayetteville, N.C., March 11, 1865. I. The Right Wing, Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard commanding, will cross Cape Fear River as soon as possible and take roads leading…
Letter from William Sherman to Ulysses Grant, March 12, 1865
HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, IN THE FIELD, FAYETTVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Sunday, March. 12, 1885. Lieutenant-General U. S. GRANT, commanding United States Army, City Point, Virginia. DEAR GENERAL: We reached this place…
Letter from William Sherman to Ellen Sherman, March 23, 1865
Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Goldsboro, N.C., March 23, 1865 Dearest Ellen, I wrote you from Fayetteville. On our way there the enemy struck on left flank and I turned on him and after three days maneuvering…
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908
![Daniel L. Russell Daniel L. Russell](
Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…