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WHEN a country has been convulsed by a
domestic war which has torn up old social
systems by the roots there is no short and easy
path to universal tranquillity. The danger to
be apprehended is an attempt to reach arbitrari-
ly and impatiently…

"WHAT NEXT?," December 29, 1866


THE North Carolina Legislature, by a vote
of 93 to 10 in the Lower House, and 44 to
1 in the Upper, has rejected the Amendment.
Arkansas, Alabama, and Florida have done
likewise. Governor Humphreys recommends
its rejection to the Mississippi…

Claim of John Tilley- Southern Claims Commission, December 13, 1878

This claim details the account of one Surry County resident whose property was taken during Stoneman's Raid in 1865. The claimant was a said to be a Unionist, and his claim actually lists that he was once threatened by the Confederate Home Guard.…

Claim of John Cordel - Southern Claims Commission, December 13, 1878

This claim details the account of one Surry County resident whose property was taken during Stoneman's Raid in 1865. The claimant was a known Unionist on his way to meet the raiders when he was arrested by Federal Troops. He was then released after…

"Reorganization of States," June 17, 1865


That the loyal freemen of a rebellious State who have fought bravely for the Government should be disfranchised, when the victory is won, by those in the same State who have fought against it, and who yield because they are conquered, not because…

"Making Haste Slowly," June 24, 1865


The President's reply to the Committee from North Carolina, begging him to recognize that State as fully restored to the Union, and to ask from Congress a repeal of the test-oath, confirms what we said last week of his views in regard to the…

"Standing Interrogatories," 1876


STANDING INTERROGATORIES. The following questions will be put to every person who gives testimony: What is your name, your age, your residence and how long has it been such, and your occupation? If you are not the claimant, in what manner, if…

"Stoneman’s Raid in Official Records," 1897


29th, marched thirty miles, and encamped near Wilkesboro, NC., at 7 p. 30th, moved at 5 a. m, and joined First Brigade, which had taken a different route across the mountains from Boone; the First Brigade forded the Yadkin River, which was rising too…

"The People and the Ku-Klux," May 20, 1871


The People and the Ku-Klux

The President's proclamation under the Ku-Klux law is a simple, earnest appeal to the people of the disturbed section to keep the peace and secure the rights of all citizens through the agency of local laws. It is the…

Argument in the impeachment trial of W.W. Holden, governor of North Carolina, 1871


And this brings us to a brief statement of the nature and character of the offences preferred in the articles of impeachment against the accused.
Article I, charges, substantially, that the accused corruptly and wickedly declared the county of…