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Letter from William Woods Holden to Honor. R.M. Pearson, July 26, 1870

Raleigh, July 26, 1870.

To the HON. R. M. PEARSON,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of N. C.:

"SIR: - I have had the hour to receive, by the hands of the Marshal of the Supreme Court, a copy of your opinion in the…

Letter from William T. Sherman to General Henry Halleck, September 4, 1864

Sherman through Georgia.jpg

H'd Qrts. Mil. D. of the Miss.
In the Field near Lovejoys Ga.
Sept. 4th 64.

General Halleck

The 20th Corps now occupies Atlanta & the Chattahoochee bridges. The main Army is now here, grouped below Jonesboro. The…

Letter from William Sherman to Ulysses Grant, March 12, 1865

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HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, IN THE FIELD, FAYETTVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, Sunday, March. 12, 1885. Lieutenant-General U. S. GRANT, commanding United States Army, City Point, Virginia. DEAR GENERAL: We reached this place…

Letter from William Sherman to Sutton et. al., April 4, 1865


HDQRS Mil. Division of the Mississippi,
In The Field
April 4, 1865
Goldsboro, N.C.

Messrs. Sutton and others,
Moseley Hall, N.C.

I cannot undertake to supply horses or to encourage peaceful industry in North Carolina until the…

Letter from William Sherman to Ellen Sherman, March 23, 1865

William with Ellen and Family.jpg

Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Goldsboro, N.C., March 23, 1865 Dearest Ellen, I wrote you from Fayetteville. On our way there the enemy struck on left flank and I turned on him and after three days maneuvering…

Letter from William Sherman to Ellen Sherman, April 9, 1865

Ellen Sherman.jpg

In the Field, Goldsboro, N. C,
April 9, 1865.

. . .. Tomorrow we move straight against Joe Johnston wherever he may be. Grant's magnificent victories about Petersburg, and his rapid pursuit of Lee's army makes it unnecessary for me to move…

Letter from William Sherman to D.L. Swain, April 22, 1865

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Hon. D. L. Swain, Chapel Hill, N. C.:

MY DEAR SIR: Yours of April nineteenth was laid before me yesterday, and I am pleased that you recognize in…

Letter from William H. Thomas to Zebulon B. Vance, November 22, 1862

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From Wm. H. Thomas Knoxville Nov. 22. 1862 In the progress of the war men and circumstances change. At the commencement you were in Military I in Civil positions. Now my position is what your position is then. I find myself at the head of a…

Letter From William H. Thomas to Zebulon B. Vance, November 22, 1862

In the progress of the war men and circumstances change. At the commencement you were in Military I in Civil positions. Now my position is what your position was then. I find myself at the head of a Regment or Legion of Indians and Mountaineers,…

Letter from W. W. Holden to S. A. Ashe, November 29, 1881


Raleigh, November 29, 1881.

Capt. S. A. Ashe: - On page 232 of his history Maj. Moore says:

"The persistency of President Davis, at Richmond, in refusing to make overtures to Mr. Lincoln, in order to break the force of the coming overthrow, led…