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Letter from Mrs. Love to Zebulon Baird Vance, March 31, 1864

Vance Papers 15.4 005.JPG

Claytonville Nor. Car.
March 31st 1864
Gov. Z. B. Vance
My dear sir,
I would have ventured to write sometime ago but continuing good health helps me at home (my mother in law) I have not been to the village (H) since Dec 24th ‘till last…

Letter from Mary Woodward to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863

Vance Papers 15.3 011.JPG
This letter was from Mary Woodward approving the donation from the women of Cleveland County. The letter is the third in a series of corresponds to the Governor about the donation of money for families of Cleveland County soldiers. This letter is…

Letter from Mary A. Windsor to Zebulon Baird Vance, February 1, 1865

Vance Papers 15.6 009.JPG

Reidsville NC Feb. the 1st 1865
Gov Vance Honored Sir,
Permit me the pleasure of communicating to you a few of my thoughts by way of letter and of asking a great favor of you that is concerning my dear and beloved husband who has been gone from…

Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, February 4, 1864


N C Mcdowell Co 1864 thursday Feb the 4 My Dear husband I recieved your kind and loving letter last saturday and was glad to hear fom you and hear you was well but sory to hear sunday that you was not well we are not well they nearly all hav had sore…

Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, August 30, 1864


Mcdowell Co teusday August 30th 1864 Dear husband I seat my self this evning to let you know we are onley tolerable well the children is complaining I expect they are taking Measels but I do hope this will reach your kind hands and find you will I…

Letter from Major-General J. G. Foster to Bvt. Major-General A. H. Terry, January 21, 1865

[Inclosure Numbers 2.] HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., January 21, 1865.

Confidential instructions to Bvt. Major General A. H. Terry, or the commanding officer of the United States forces at Wilmington, N. C.:…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Sect. of the Treasury Christopher C. Memminger, August 13, 1863

Honble. C. G. Memminger, Secty. of Treasury.

Through Chf. of Ord.

Sir: I have the honor to forward by Steamer "Eugenie" Captain Fry - one Box, Marked T. D. containing a Seal received from Mess. Frazer Trenholm and Co. Liverpool England.…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Major Caleb Huse, July 20, 1863

Major Caleb Huse.

Major: I have the honor to enclose herewith copy of letter of instruction from Colonel J. Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, dated May 19th, 1863. Also copy of letter from Lieut. Colonel I. M. St. John, Chief of the Niter and Mining…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Colonel Josiah Gorgas, September 2, 1863

St. George’s Ba.
September 1st, 1863–
Colonel J. Gorgas
Col: Your telegram of 21st Ulto. To Fort Fisher was received; in hand, just in time for the “Eugenie.”
A copy was enclosed to Capt. Fry, and handed to me–

Letter from M.S. Sherwood to Benjamin S. Hedrick, August 20, 1856

Letter from M.S. Sherwood to his Nephew Benjamin S. Hendrick, August 20, 1856, Page 1

Greensboro, Aug. 20, 1856

My Dear Nephew;

I rec'd a letter from you under date of 12th inst., which commences by condoling me, rather after the manner of Job's particular friends, upon my defeat as a candidate for the Legislature. Had your…