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Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Major-General H. W. Halleck, December 24, 1864

In the Field, Savannah, GA., December 24, 1864.

Major General H. W. HALLECK,

Chief of Staff, Washington City, D. C.:

...then, communicating with the fleet in the neighborhood of…

Letter from Gen. W. H. C. Whiting to Sect. James Seddon, September 8, 1863

Wilmington, September 8, 1863.

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON,

Secretary of War, Richmond:

SIR: The city of Charleston may not be taken, but as Confederate port it has well nigh ceased to belong to us. The new of to-day settles…

Letter from Gen. W. H. C. Whiting to Sect. James A. Seddon, August 31, 1863

Wilmington, August 31, 1863.

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON,

Secretary of War, Richmond:

Sir: Suppose the map of North Carolina before you, andallow me to illustrate briefly only a single phase in…

Letter from Edward Jones Hale Jr. to James Lane, July 31, 1865

EJ Hale.jpg

Fayetteville, N.C., July 31st, 1865.

My Dear General:

It would be impossible to give you an adequate idea of the destruction of property in this good old town. It may not be an average instance; but it is one the force of whose truth we feel…

Letter from David L. Swain to Charles Manly, October 7, 1856

Letter from David L. Swain to [Charles Manly], October 7, 1856, Page 1

Chapel Hill, 7 Oct. 1856

My dear Sir,

Your note of the 4th by some oversight at the post-office did not reach me until late yesterday evening & this morning brought me that of the 6th with Judge Saunders's letter enclosed.

Hedrick has the…

Letter from Daniel Wilson to S S Jocelyn, November 26, 1858

Sawyersville Nov the 26th 1858

To Revrnd. S S Jocelyn Sec of the AMA

Dear Brother
After a long delay I again address you to Inform you that whatever may have been the Impressions made on your mind by others; as to the Writer that I still feel…

Letter from Col. W. Lamb to Gov. Zebulon Vance, August 21, 1863

Fort Fisher, August 21, 1863.


DEAR SIR: The steamer Gibraltar, which arrived here this week, brought the two largest guns that I know of in the world. They weigh, independent of everything,…

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 4, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 4, 1856, Page 1

RaleighOct. 4/56 My Dear Gov, After stating that I send you enclosed a Copy of the Proceedings of the Executive Committee, had today & a Copy of Mons Herrisse's BIll of Indictment against the Faculty, & an expression of my opinion that when…

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 18, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 18, 1856, Page 1

Raleigh18 Oct 1856 My Dear Gov., I send you herewith a copy of minutes of Ex. Com. ofthis day. On the trial ofthe mpeachment, after all the Communications from the Faculty were read Gov. Bragg presented 4 papers of 30 mortal pages from "Sir Wm…

Letter from Catherine Carson to Zebulon Baird Vance, July 8, 1864

Vance Papers P.C. 15.5 009.JPG

Buck Creek July 8th 1864
Governor Vance
Dear Sir,
I take the liberty of asking you whether you can not process my son’s discharge from the army that he may come home to protect me and his sister.
Since the late raid on Camp Vance there are…