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Ledger of Thomas Ruffin, 1825


Name Age Sale Price ($) Anne 20 475 Charles 17 600 Celia & 3 Children 1100 Alphonse 17 550 Little Charles & 2 cisters (sic)…

Ledger of Thomas Ruffin, July, 1825


Name Age Purchase Price ($) Temperance 18 270 Anne 20 310 Charles 17 410 Alphonse 17 335 Henry 32 310 Prouy & 2…

Lee Bryant

The primary source that I have the strongest connection to would be the image I took while doing research in Windsor, of the Memorial to the Confederate Dead. It is a somewhat tall, imposing statue situated on the corner, right next to the…

Leon Louis

Louis Leon was a Confederate soldier who served in the Charlotte Grays, Company C, First North Carolina Regiment. He served from April 1861 to April 1865. In that time, he recorded much of that time spent as a soldier in his diary. He served as part…

Letter from Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 14, 1856

Letter from Benjamin S. Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 14, 1856, Page 1

Chapel Hill, Oct. 14, 1856

Dear Sir:

I am glad that the executive committee did not yield to a popular clamor and remove me from my situation here. For I believe that if I can have a full and fair hearing before the Trustees, the censure…

Letter from Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 28, 1856

Letter from Benjamin S. Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 28, 1856, Page 1

Chapel HillOct. 28, 1856

Gov. Manly

Dear Sir,

Accompanying this I send you a letter which I wrote before visiting you in Raleigh. I believe I mentioned to you the fact that I had written it; certainly I mentioned it to some of the Board.…

Letter from Catherine Carson to Zebulon Baird Vance, July 8, 1864

Vance Papers P.C. 15.5 009.JPG

Buck Creek July 8th 1864
Governor Vance
Dear Sir,
I take the liberty of asking you whether you can not process my son’s discharge from the army that he may come home to protect me and his sister.
Since the late raid on Camp Vance there are…

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 18, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 18, 1856, Page 1

Raleigh18 Oct 1856 My Dear Gov., I send you herewith a copy of minutes of Ex. Com. ofthis day. On the trial ofthe mpeachment, after all the Communications from the Faculty were read Gov. Bragg presented 4 papers of 30 mortal pages from "Sir Wm…

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 4, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 4, 1856, Page 1

RaleighOct. 4/56 My Dear Gov, After stating that I send you enclosed a Copy of the Proceedings of the Executive Committee, had today & a Copy of Mons Herrisse's BIll of Indictment against the Faculty, & an expression of my opinion that when…

Letter from Col. W. Lamb to Gov. Zebulon Vance, August 21, 1863

Fort Fisher, August 21, 1863.


DEAR SIR: The steamer Gibraltar, which arrived here this week, brought the two largest guns that I know of in the world. They weigh, independent of everything,…