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Younce, W. H. "A civil war at home: Treatment of Unionists" (1901)

Younce, W. H. "A civil war at home: Treatment of Unionists" (1901)

A civil war at home: Treatment of Unionists

W. H. Younce, The Adventures of a Conscript (Cincinnati: The Editor Pub. Co., 1901), pp. 57–62.

At home again.

Our purpose was to try to reach my father’s home that night, but about the middle…

Lt. Col. S. H. Walkup, "A Plea for Supplies" (1862)

A Plea for Supplies

A plea for supplies

Lt. Col. S. H. Walkup to Gov. Zebulon Vance, October 11, 1862, in the Governors Papers, North Carolina State Archives.

Camp Near Winchester Va. Octr 11th, 1862.

Govr. Z. B. Vance,

I lay before you for your…

"The Capture of Fort Fisher.; The Lesson of the Guns," The New York Times, February 19, 1865


From the London Times, Feb. 1. To the student of the art of war we commend the story of Fort Fisher for its scientific value, and to the general reader for the exceeding interest of the narrative. The fall of this place after a long and terrible…

Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier


April 25, 1861 - I belong to the Charlotte Grays, Company C, First North Carolina Regiment. We left home for Raleigh. Our company is commanded by Capt. Egbert Ross. We are all boys between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. We offered our services…

A letter written from Catherine Ramsey to John Futch.


Dear sun,

I sete my self down to write you afew lines wich will inform you that we air all well. Hopin that these few line may rech and find you injoyen the same good blessings. Dear sun I have no news to rite to you of imporince more than I want…

Peter S Bearman, "Desertion as Localism: Army Unit Solidarity and Group Norms in the U.S. Civil War" (1991)

Desertion as Localism: Army Unit Solidarity and Group Norms in the U.S. Civil War

Drawing from the experiences of 3,126 enlisted men from North Carolina who fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War, the author focuses on the determinants of desertion. Men deserted because their identity as Southerners was eroded by an emergent…

Rod Gragg, "Confederate Goliath" (1991)


“Fort Fisher was the strongest fort in the South,” proclaimed the New York Tribune. “Now for the first time is a really formidable earthwork carried by a direct assault, and in a military view, therefore, the storming of Fort Fisher…

A letter written from John Futch to his wife Martha


Dear wife,

I recvd a letter from you the 5 of this Inst stating you all was well which I was glad to hear. I can say to you that I am well at to sore feet and cold which I hope theas few lines may com safe to hand and find you all well and harty.…

Diary of George Nichols, March 14, 1865

Fayetteville Drawing.jpg

Thus far we have been altogether disappointed in looking for the Union sentiment in North Carolina, about which so much has been said. Our experience is decidedly in favor of its sister state; for we found more persons in Columbia who had proved…