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Alan W. Trelease, White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction (1971)
Holden, despairing of a fair trial in the civil courts, had resolved to try them by military commission. He therefore wrote Pearson a lengthy public letter on July 26, justifying his proclamations of insurrection and politely declining to surrender…
African Americans in the Military
Affair at Chicamacomico, Loggerhead Inlet, October 4, 1861
Address of Thomas Ruffin: Delivered Before the State Agricultural Society of North Carolina, October 18, 1855
... My purpose now, however, is merely to maintain that slavery here is favorable to the interests of agriculture in point of economy and profit, and not unwholesome to the moral and social condition of each race. In support of the first part of the…
Tags: prewar
Address Delivered before the Wake County Workingmen's Association, February 6, 1860
RALEIGH, N. C., February 7, 1860. FRANK. I. WILSON, ESQ.: Dear Sir:--The undersigned, a portion of the members of the "Wake County Workingmen's Association," beg that you will permit us to publish the Address delivered by you before our Association…
Tags: Racism, sectionalism
Adam Lipay
Oh, hell yes, no question about that. [Laughs] At that point there was a policeman who had walked in off the street, who was pacing the aisle...behind us, where we were seated, with his club in his hand, just sort of knocking it in his hand, and just…
Tags: #moneyteam, culture, MONEY, nonviolent demonstration
Account of Purchase and Sale of Slaves made by Benjamin Chambers, 1823
Cash on hand when I started to the North: $431.00
Cash received in New York for Cotton: $6529.82
Claracy 24 years old 2 sisters 18 and 12 and 2 children Cost…...925.00
Flora a woman of 22 years of age Cost…… 150.00
Siseney a woman…
Tags: Slavery/Slaves
Account of David Porter, ca. 1865
The day of General Sherman's arrival at City Point, I accompanied him and General Grant on board the President's flagship, the Queen, where the President received us in the upper saloon, no one but ourselves being present.
The President was in an…
Absalom Baird, Report of Operations January 20-March 23, March 24, 1865
. . . . March 1, division marched twelve miles to Ingraham’s Mills, near Hanging Rock; roads in terrible condition. March 2, passed Little Lynch’s, Lick, and Flat Creeks, through almost impassable roads, and marched fifteen miles. March 3,…
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…