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"We must Fight!" Raleigh Weekly Standard, April 24, 1861

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This article from the RaleighWeekly Standard reports Governor Ellis's refusal of Lincoln's request for troops and clarified its new position regarding secession. The paper recounts its efforts for peace but acknowledges that Lincoln's call for troops…

"Volunteers for the War," January 22, 1862

This was a reoccurring advertisement that could be found in several of North Carolina's newspapers in the first half of 1862. It states the desire to raise six companies, and offers the benefit of being able to elect field officers.

"Volunteers and Re-Enlistment," February 19, 1862

This article emphasized the need for more volunteers and the re-enlistment of soldiers in the Confederate Army.

"Under Which Flag?," News and Observer, November 1, 1889

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The cartoon “Under Which Flag” emphasizes the importance race and gender played in the post-war South. The cartoon depicted two candidates with their flags and platforms. The white flag has the white rule platform promising good government,…

"Two Voices From North Carolina," June 3, 1865


Several gentlemen have come from North Carolina to Washington to confer with the Government upon the subject of the reorganization of that State. Among them is the Hon. W. W. Holden, who is understood to be a representative of the Union men at the…

"Trent River Settlement," June 9, 1866


GENERAL STEEDMAN’S TOUR. Our artist, Mr. Davis, gives the following description of illustrations on page 361: “The Inspection Tour of Generals Steedman and Fullerton has certainly had one good result, the removal from authority of a…

"To the People of Wake County," May 8, 1861

Fellow-Citizens: In The Register and The Standard of Saturday last I briefly announced myself a candidate for the State Convention. I did so at the solicitation of friends, and because of the flattering vote by which I was elected in February last My…

"The Winston Situation," Raleigh News and Observer, July 13, 1900

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The Winston Situation Holton & Co., has a Democratic Registrar arrested by a Federal Deputy Marshal because he will not register negro boys.